Home NEWS 1918: Belgian King Returns Home After World War I

1918: Belgian King Returns Home After World War I


News was received in Paris last evening that King Albert re-entered his capital yesterday at the head of the Belgian troops, of whom he had taken command for the occasion.

The King, who was accompanied by Queen Elizabeth and Princes Leopold and Charles and Princess Marie-José, received an enthusiastic welcome from the people of Brussels, who lined the route of the procession.

The programme of the day included a session of Parliament, the entry of the Sovereigns into the Palace and a reception in the afternoon at the Hôtel de Ville. With the Belgian troops marched a detachment of French troops which had fought during long months on the Belgian front. Generals Degoutte and Davignon were at the head of these troops, who shared fully in the welcome accorded to King Albert’s own soldiers.

NEW YORK — The mayor has proclaimed next Saturday for observation of the restoration of Belgium, and the triumphal entry of the King and Queen of Belgium into Brussels. There will be a big parade to open the ceremonies, in which the Army, Navy, Boy Scouts, school children, foreign relief workers, the British, French, Italian, Polish and Belgian contingents will be seen, the foreign organizations to be costumed in native dress. The Allied consuls have been invited as special guests of honor.

— The New York Herald, European Edition, Nov. 23, 1918

Source : Nytimes