Home NEWS ‘Acts of Pure Terror’: Lawmakers Speak Out After Explosive Devices Mailed to...

‘Acts of Pure Terror’: Lawmakers Speak Out After Explosive Devices Mailed to Politicians and Media


Top Republicans and political figures from all parties took to social media in a rare moment of solidarity Wednesday to condemn politically driven violence against prominent Democrats. 

At a campaign rally for a congressional candidate in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Vice President Mike Pence condemned the apparent attempted mail bombings that targeted former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, CNN’s New York offices, billionaire philanthropist George Soros, and others. 

“These cowardly acts are despicable and have no place in American society,” Pence said. 

President Donald Trump retweeted a tweet by Pence where the vice president also thanked law enforcement members for their fast response.

“I whole heartedly agree!” Trump wrote. 

“I stand with all Americans in condemning today’s attempted acts of domestic terrorism,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. “As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts.”

Packages addressed to Clinton’s home in a New York City suburb and Obama’s in Washington, D.C., were intercepted during mail checks. Authorities said the Clintons and Obamas were not at risk of receiving the packages. 

Another package sent to CNN offices at Time Warner Center in New York City was addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, who is now an analyst for MSNBC. The package got as far as the mailroom before CNN employees were evacuated.

Investigators have concluded that the packages contained homemade explosive devices.

Another package that was addressed to former Attorney General Eric Holder had the wrong address and was sent to the Florida office of ex-Democratic National Committee chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., which was the return address listed, NBC News reported. 

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo also said his Manhattan office received a suspicious package. 

“Those behind such reprehensible acts must be brought to justice,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said. “We cannot tolerate any attempt to terrorize public figures.”

Ted Cruz, Texas’ U.S. Senate candidate, called the possible mail bombs “deeply, deeply disturbing.”

“Violence is never OK,” Cruz wrote. “America is better than this. Political disagreements are fine, even healthy, but we should always be civil and respect each other’s humanity.”

The comment came after Cruz joked Tuesday night during a campaign event that his political opponent running for U.S. Senate, Beto O’Rourke, should be in jail with Hillary Clinton.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., called the devices acts of terror.

Last June, Scalise was among four people shot at the Annual Congressional Baseball Hearing for Charity by a man who specifically targeted Republicans out of hatred for President Donald Trump. 

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission,” Scalise tweeted. “As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

Source : Nbcnewyork