Home Autos Auto Loans America’s Auto Auction hands out August Spotlight Award

America’s Auto Auction hands out August Spotlight Award



America’s Auto Auction recently presented its August Spotlight Award to Cheri Slaughter, the company’s fleet/lease specialist for the Houston market.

The company highlighted Slaughter — who has been with the operation for 12 years — divides her time between America’s Houston and America’s North Houston operations.

“Cheri is an invaluable member of the America’s team,” America’s North Houston general manager Buddy Cheney said in a news release. “Since coming onboard with us in 2009 as a dealer account manager, she has taken on many different responsibilities, including fleet sales, credit union and bank account management, and even some operational responsibilities. 

“She’s the first to raise her hand when any department in our auction needs help, and she always does it with a fantastic attitude and a smile.  She’s an outstanding person, a tremendous success in our business and an asset to our industry,”

Slaughter’s 30-year career in the auto industry began in 1989 when she worked for a Toyota distributor as an administrative assistant. From there, she went on to work for two different finance companies in the Houston area, calling on auto dealers and eventually becoming a subprime finance company representative.

America’s highlighted that Slaughter “hit the ground running” when she launched her career with the company in 2009 at its North Houston auction.

In her initial post as a dealer account manager, America’s recollected that Slaughter generated more vehicle sales in her first three months than any other previous representative had.  Her stellar performance led to her promotion to fleet sales, and she began calling on credit unions and local fleet accounts while maintaining her relationships with dealers in the Houston market.

The company said Slaughter has continued to make an impact on her customers and her auction team, serving as local fleet/lease specialist, managing accounts for both America’s Houston and America’s North Houston Auto auctions.

America’s national sales director Tammy Swofford remembered her first meeting with Slaughter in 2013 when they made customer visits and attended conferences together as Slaughter mentored Swofford in fleet/lease account management.

“My expertise up to that point was dealer sales, and Cheri was so helpful in showing me the fleet/lease ‘ropes,’” Swofford said. 

“It was immediately evident what strong and productive relationships she had built with our auction customers,” Swofford continued. “Since that time, we have expanded in the Houston market with our South Houston location, and Cheri divides her time between both locations. 

“Just as recently as last week, I received another compliment from a customer about Cheri’s excellent level of service. She is warm, inviting, knowledgeable, thorough and has a smile that lights up a room,” Swofford added.

Slaughter described what her experience has been like with America’s

“I love all the people I work with, and I believe in service at heart,” Slaughter said. “I’ve always known how important it is to truly listen to what our customers say, even if they’re upset about something. 

“Stopping, focusing on them, and listening makes them feel they’re important to our business. That individual attention is a big part of America’s Auto Auction’s customer service culture, and has helped me be successful,” she went on to say. 

Founded in 2005, America’s Auto Auction has 23 locations. Additional information on all company facilities can be found at www.americasautoauction.com.

Source : AutoFinanceNews