Between Two Ferns Returns with Jerry Seinfeld and Cardi B – Today’s News: Our Take


Between Two Ferns, Zach Galifiankis‘ beloved fake talk show where he’s insanely rude to his very famous guests, is back for its first episode since 2016 with Jerry “Jerry J” Seinfeld and rapper Cardi B.

The episode finds Galifianakis and Seinfeld trading insults about Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Bee Movie, The Hangover‘s terrible sequels, Seinfeld’s age and Galifiankis’ hair between appearances by some special guests: Seinfeld‘s Wayne Knight, with whom Seinfled doesn’t want to do the “Hello, Newman” bit, and Cardi B, who gets a much friendlier interview than anyone else has ever gotten on the show. Galifianakis got a gift for her baby and everything. Not even Barack Obama was treated with this level of respect.

I won’t spoil the best jokes for you, but I will say that Seinfeld’s iconic red carpet snubbing of Kesha gets referenced.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Season 10 premieres on Netflix Friday, July 6, with Galifianakis as one of the guests.

Source : TVGuide