Home Entertainment Big Mouth Season 2 Premiere Date and Trailer

Big Mouth Season 2 Premiere Date and Trailer


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Big Mouth, Netflix’s adult animated comedy about the trials and tribulations of middle school — especially in regards to puberty — is back for Season 2 on Oct. 5, the streaming service announced in a teaser released Wednesday. The hilariously disgusting video features the kids getting eaten by Maury the Hormone Monster, who is scheduled to poop them out on the release date.

Season 2 features a murderer’s row of returning voice actors including co-creator Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, Jason Mantzoukas, Jordan Peele, Fred Armisen, Jenny Slate and Jessi Klein. Joining the cast this season are Jane the Virgin‘s Gina Rodriguez as Gina, the first girl at school to get boobs; and Harry Potter‘s David Thewlis as The Shame Wizard, The Hormone Monster’s mortal enemy who preys on the kids’ shame.

Season 2 will consist of ten episodes. They all drop (out of Maury the Hormone Monster’s butt) on Friday, Oct. 5 only on Netflix.

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