Home NEWS Headlines Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds welcome baby boy

Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds welcome baby boy


The baby was born at a London hospital on Wednesday morning, the spokesperson said, adding that mother and baby are doing very well.

“The PM and Ms Symonds would like to thank the fantastic NHS maternity team,” the spokesperson said.

Johnson and Symonds announced in February 2020 that they were engaged to be married.

Symonds, 32, has had a prominent career working in politics and was part of the campaign team that helped to get Johnson re-elected as mayor of London in 2012.

The British Prime Minister has four children from his second marriage.

The last time a child was born to a sitting prime minister was in 2010, when David Cameron and his wife, Samantha Cameron, welcomed their daughter Florence.

This is a breaking story, more to follow…

Source : Nbcnewyork