Home Entertainment Chicago P.D. Season 6 Episode 19 Recap: Burgess Flirted with Her Dark...

Chicago P.D. Season 6 Episode 19 Recap: Burgess Flirted with Her Dark Side


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When the chips are down, you can always count on Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) to see the silver lining. However, Wednesday’s episode of Chicago P.D., titled “What Could Have Been,” saw the normally peppy detective grapple with immense guilt stemming from a new case that hit close to home.

The emotional hour found Burgess waiting at a bar for her boyfriend, Blair (Charles Michael Davis), to finally show up. He never did, however, which meant something had gone terribly wrong. Tracking his phone to a sketchy part of town, Burgess found Blair bleeding to death and did what she could to help him, but to no avail. Blair died en route to the hospital, and Burgess was left in a daze, staring at her bloody hands.

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Blair’s high-ranking status as a campaign specialist made his case a top priority, forcing Burgess to set aside her feelings for the time being in order to solve his murder. Channeling her inner Voight (Jason Beghe), Burgess got in touch with her dark side to find the truth, even if that meant roughing up a few guys along the way. On the surface, his death appeared to be a drug deal gone wrong. After all, he was found on the wrong side of the tracks and had been hauling around $20,000 in the trunk of his car. But Blair was a good guy whose only prior was a charge for cocaine possession at age 17, which was eventually dropped.

Still, Intelligence couldn’t ignore the mounting evidence even if Burgess refused to believe it. It turns out that before his death, Blair had a heated conversation with a reverend who rolled with a major gang before becoming a man of faith. That lead was short-lived, though, because he was soon found shot to death by the same gun used to kill Blair.

The baffling case hit Burgess hard, especially since she planned to break up with him. In a touching moment with Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger), Burgess confided in her ex-fiancé what she’d been feeling all along. Although she didn’t see her relationship with Blair lasting long-term, she expressed regret for not telling him that she was falling in love with him while he was still alive. Ruzek could only console her and back her theory that the facts about the case just didn’t add up.

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In the end, Burgess was right to stick to her guns; Intelligence uncovered the truth behind Blair’s murder and it had nothing to do with drugs. He found evidence that mayoral candidate Ray Price (Wendell Pierce) helped cover up a cocaine overdose, which Price’s daughter witnessed, and that bombshell cost Blair his life. However, Ray wasn’t the one to pull the trigger. After some pressing from Voight, Ray’s wife Alicia (Nicki Micheaux) confessed to killing both Blair and the reverend in a panic because they threatened her family’s dreams of running the city.

Meeting up with a superior, Voight offered up video evidence that would solve Blair’s case in exchange for a good plea deal. Spoiler alert: The deal was accepted. But in a shocking twist, Ray took the fall for his wife and went on record to say that he murdered both men in order to protect his family. The move earned him a seven-year prison stay while his wife would be free to take care of their children.

None of that mattered to Burgess, who was left feeling empty inside. “It feels the same… drugs, politics,” she uttered to Ruzek when the smoke cleared. Something tells me this flash of darkness is only the beginning. Darth Burgess might be on the horizon.

Chicago P.D. continues Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.

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Marina Squerciati, Chicago P.D.

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