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No show is having more fun than DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which has quickly become one of the most exciting parts of Greg Berlanti‘s superhero-packed Arrowverse. Monday’s whimsical episode went all in for Jane Austen with a Hindu love god, a lush Bollywood musical number, and Ray (Brandon Routh) and Nora Darhk (Courtney Ford) expressing their deepest desires to each other through eloquent verse.

“Séance and Sensibility” saw the Legends venture to Regency England to figure out why Austen’s seminal romance novels had suddenly disappeared from history. After crossing paths with a charming stranger who’d been imbued with the powers of an ancient Hindi love god, they found themselves replete with an irresistible urge to sing and dance in one of the show’s most memorable and breathtaking scenes to date.

Maisie Richardson-Sellers, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

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The opulent number, a visual feast of bright colors and a stunning dance break, helped Zari (Tala Ashe) and Mona (Ramona Young) work through their recent love woes. It also saw Nora and Ray finally get real with each other about how they feel, which was a considerable feat given that Nora is still on the run after being framed for Hank Heywood’s (Tom Wilson) murder. Their sweet exchange may have been a huge step forward in their relationship, but according to showrunner Phil Klemmer, the pair’s future together remains rather uncertain.

Legends of Tomorrow Boss Previews Ambitious Bollywood Musical Number in “Séance & Sensibility

“I’m not sure about those two,” Klemmer told TV Guide. “I don’t know if they can be together. They are [from] crazy different worlds.”

To be fair, they don’t have much in common outside of mutual affection for one other. Ray’s unwavering optimism, adorkable earnestness, and scout-like honesty is the polar opposite of Nora’s more grounded presence, which is shaped by a dark and complicated past. Currently seeking redemption after tormenting the Legends as Damien Darhk’s villainous offspring, her quest for atonement makes her more suited for Constantine (Matt Ryan), who is also looking to right a few past wrongs.

“I think Constantine and Nora would be a pretty hot couple. If you’re looking for the Bonnie and Clyde of dark magic, that’s who you imagine,” Klemmer said.

Although the idea of Nora and Constantine as a couple makes a surprising amount of sense, that doesn’t mean we’re going to see the pair profess romantic feelings for each other anytime soon — if ever. However, they will be enjoying some quality time together in the coming episodes.

Matt Ryan and Courtney Ford, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

“We are going to spend a little time putting Nora into Constantine’s world,” Klemmer explained. “She’s been through some real stuff in her life and so we want to remind her and the audience that she hasn’t shed all of the burdens of being Damien Darhk’s daughter and having been a vessel for a demon last season and having been in a death cult and having grown up in an insane asylum. She’s still got a couple of things to work through and we’ve got a pretty good cliffhanger for her that sort of sets up what we might be playing next season that’s not what you expect.”

By the looks of it, Nora could be headed back to the dark side before season’s end, but she’s not the only one. Klemmer also teased that a few Legends will break bad this season and that one member of the team is poised to form an alliance with a returning baddie. Plus, a few other blasts from the past will drop by for one more adventure, and several others will be “quasi returning from the dead.” But if you expect Beebo to be among those making their way back to the series this season, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

“Beebo is like one of those spices that you don’t want to use too much. You gotta wait for the special moment where you need to make it really pop. I can’t promise anybody Beebo. Eventually, yeah sure. We’re in contract negotiations with his agent,” Klemmer added.

Besides, the Legends have bigger fish to fry, like the demon Neron, whose nefarious plan is coming together now that Hank is dead. The Austen-centric hour revealed that Hank unknowingly struck a deal with the lord of the underworld — who has taken the form of Constantine’s deceased beau Desmond (Christian Keyes) — in an attempt to build a magical theme park for his son Nate (Nick Zano). In exchange for unlimited funds to bring that vision to life, Hank gave Neron access to the Time Bureau’s roster of enchanted creatures, a move that ultimately cost him his life. With Neron now in possession of some pretty powerful beings and Nora headed for a major turn, it’s safe to say the Legends are in for one heck of a fight.

Legends of Tomorrow airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

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Source : TVGuide