Home Entertainment Idris Elba Contracts Coronavirus, Implores People to Socially Distance

Idris Elba Contracts Coronavirus, Implores People to Socially Distance


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Idris Elba tested positive for the coronavirus Monday and has self-quarantined himself. But he’s also using his platform to urge others to wash their hands and socially distance themselves.

“It sucks,” the actor said in a video posted on Twitter. “Listen, I’m doing ok. Sabrina (his wife) hasn’t been tested and she’s doing ok. I didn’t have any symptoms. I got tested because I realized I was exposed to someone who had also tested positive.”

Elba, who has enjoyed notable TV and movie roles on everything from The Wire to Luther and Thor: Ragnarokadded that he wants people to err on the side of caution. “This is serious,” he said. “Now is the time to really think about social distancing, washing your hands. Beyond that, there are people out there who aren’t showing symptoms and that can easily spread it, ok?

“So now is the time to be really vigilant about washing your hands and keeping your distance,” he added. “Transparency is probably the best thing for this right now. If you’re felling ill and you feel like you should be tested or you’ve been exposed, then do something about it … Now is the time for solidarity.”

Idris Elba

Source : TVGuide