Home NEWS Italy, Syria, Hong Kong: Your Wednesday Briefing

Italy, Syria, Hong Kong: Your Wednesday Briefing


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Good morning.

We’re covering Italy’s chaotic government collapse, U.S. attempts to revive an economy headed for possible recession and Jamie Oliver’s tenacity.

The decision, announced in an extraordinary session of Parliament, came after the interior minister, Matteo Salvini, had called for a no-confidence vote in the coalition government. Instead of bothering with the vote, Mr. Conte said he would resign.

Context: During Mr. Conte’s short tenure, the government’s increasingly anti-migrant and anti-establishment policies have isolated it inside Europe, while economic growth has slowed.

What’s next: Italy’s president, Sergio Mattarella, will consult with party leaders to see if a new majority can form another government. If not, he is likely to call for early elections, possibly as soon as October.

If elections are called, Mr. Salvini — one of Europe’s most nationalist leaders, whose popularity has surged over the last year — might find an opportunity to consolidate his power.

Related: A ship carrying over 80 migrants stranded off the coast of Italy for nearly three weeks must be allowed to dock, an Italian prosecutor ordered.

After eight years of civil war, the Syrian government now controls much of the country, and President Bashar al-Assad looks likely to win.

Our reporters, who were given rare access to the country, went to see what “victory” looks like. They found ruin and recovery, people grieving and people getting by, running water and electricity that remain capricious. They also discovered that the war had diminished Syria’s middle class and population of young men.

Quotable: “Sometimes I sit and think, how did this happen?” said one 59-year-old grandmother. “I had sons working. Everything was normal, and suddenly I lost them.”

In Afghanistan: The Islamic State there has positioned itself to take the role of violent spoiler if a peace agreement is reached between the Taliban and the U.S., our correspondent writes.

President Trump and his advisers have publicly dismissed the prospect of a recession, but White House officials have contingency plans — including for a potential payroll tax cut and a possible reversal of some tariffs — should the economy weaken further.

A senior official cautioned that a payroll tax cut was not under serious consideration, but the fact that the White House is discussing ways to stimulate an economy that Mr. Trump called “very strong” underscores concern about slowing growth.

Tariffs: It is unlikely that Mr. Trump would abruptly reverse course on the tariffs he has imposed on Chinese goods.

Other administration news: After a lengthy phone call with Wayne LaPierre of the N.R.A., Mr. Trump told reporters, “A lot of the people that put me where I am are strong believers in the Second Amendment, and I am also.” That looks like a sign that he no longer plans to make gun legislation a priority this fall.

The authorities in Denmark say they plan to review over 10,000 court verdicts dating to 2012 because of errors in cellphone tracking data offered as evidence.

The director of public prosecutions ordered a two-month halt in prosecutors’ use of cellphone data in criminal cases while the flaws and their potential consequences are investigated, and a new steering group will monitor the reviews of cases that may have been affected. It’s unclear whether the faulty data was a decisive factor in any verdicts.

Details: In one instance, some cellphone tracking data linked phones to the wrong cellphone towers, potentially connecting innocent people to crime scenes.

Quotable: “It’s shaking our trust in the legal system,” Justice Minister Nick Haekkerup said in a statement.

The potential inclusion of unconventional sports in future Olympics is creating a new breed of aspiring medalists. Sergey Chernyshev, a Russian break dancer known as Bumblebee, is one of them.

His story illuminates what has happened in break dancing over the last three decades, as it journeyed from the streets of New York to every corner of the globe.

Hong Kong: Two police officers were arrested on Tuesday after a video appeared to show them hitting a 62-year-old man in the genitals, stomach and face while he was strapped to a hospital gurney in June.

Denmark: President Trump abruptly canceled a scheduled trip, writing on Twitter that because the country’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, “would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland,” they would meet “another time.”

Facebook: The company, in an effort to increase transparency over its data practices, introduced a tool to let users see and control the information that Facebook has gathered about their browsing habits. The social media platform also said that a news section in its mobile app would be guided by journalists and not just algorithms.

Spain: A wildfire on one of the Canary Islands forced the evacuation of 9,000 people as hundreds of firefighters struggled to contain the blaze.

Jamie Oliver: After years of fame, the British chef hit a wall and his restaurant empire collapsed. But his work ethic didn’t and his other ventures are still, as he might say, pukka (excellent). “I have probably been pushed to the edge of my capacity over the last four years,” he told The Times.

Snapshot: Above, stone heads found near the Danube River in modern Serbia that are believed to have been carved about 8,000 years ago. It was at that time and place that researchers believe two cultures — farmers from the Near East and hunters and gatherers from Southeastern Europe — converged.

Remembering an ambitious runner: Ugo Sansonetti, an Italian business executive who began running track in his 70s, won numerous medals at World Masters Athletic Championship events and broke several world records, died on Aug. 14 in Rome. He was 100. Mr. Sansonetti started running because he was bored in retirement.

What we’re reading: Alisha Haridasani Gupta, on the briefings team, recommends this article in Foreign Policy, which argues that British colonialism paved the way for the political crises in Kashmir and Hong Kong — an interesting take that provides historical context and perspective.

Cook: Don’t throw away that pickle juice. Use it to brine chicken for a fried chicken sandwich.

Listen: We analyzed the rally playlists of 10 presidential candidates. We found Bernie Sanders did not choose any songs by female artists and Beto O’Rourke seems to love rock music as much as the president does.

Watch: The writer and director Spike Lee narrates a sequence from “Do the Right Thing,” his 1989 film that remains startlingly relevant.

Smarter Living: Thinking about home-sharing? We collected some helpful strategies for those new to renting out their living spaces. One priority: Move valuable items to a safe space, like a locked closet. Sentimental items can go there, too, or you can leave a note explaining their importance.

And we know the keto diet is popular. But is it good for you?

Concerns have been building that the U.S. economy might be nearing a recession.

And a downturn would certainly seem due for the stock market, which has been on a bull run for an extraordinary length of time: more than 10 years.

How did the bull become associated with rising stock prices? Some say because the bull attacks by swinging its horns upward. But richer accounts delve into some peculiar areas of history.

The association of bears with falling prices came first, thanks to a practice in 17th-century fur trading. Middlemen sometimes sold bearskins they had not yet bought from hunters, betting that the hunters’ price would drop. It seems to be an early form of what is now known as naked short selling.

And the bull was an obvious partner to the bear in the British mind, because of the enormous popularity of the bloody sport of “baiting” them with trained dogs or beatings.

Britain’s Parliament banned the practice in 1835, but the bull and bear are still battling it out on the stock market.

That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.

— Melina

Thank you
To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. Andrea Kannapell, the briefings editor, wrote today’s Back Story. You can reach the team at briefing@nytimes.com.

• We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Al Franken’s Senate resignation.
• Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Lost ones might turn up in an old pants pocket (four letters). You can find all our puzzles here.
• Sebastian Modak is visiting each destination on our Travel section’s 52 Places to Go list. Midway through his trip, he answered readers’ questions.

Source : Nytimes