Home Entertainment Jeremy Renner Was Shockingly Casual About Breaking Both Arms Right Before Infinity...

Jeremy Renner Was Shockingly Casual About Breaking Both Arms Right Before Infinity War


Remember when Jeremy Renner broke both of his arms on a movie set and everyone assumed it was while filming Avengers: Infinity War, but it turned out he actually sustained the injury during a stunt for his upcoming comedy, Tag?

Well, we certainly do, so MTV News correspondent Josh Horowitz took the opportunity to ask the actor about it at CinemaCon this week.

“It’s not irony, it’s not resentment… It’s like I can’t believe that that actually happened,” Renner said of the fateful accident that occurred on the lighthearted Tag set.

“I was pretty torn up about it because I thought it might stop a lot of things for a lot of people, and then Avengers was happening right after that,” he added, noting that the injury happened within the first three days of his packed schedule. Both films feature a scrolling list of in-demand talent, with Tag starring Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, and Isla Fisher, and the Marvel movie being the first to bring together the entire star-studded superhero roster.

Meanwhile, co-star Leslie Bibb praised her longtime friend’s ability to focus on his job and get right back to work, broken bones and all. “It was crazy because I knew he was in such great pain and he only took Advil,” she said, calling him “remarkable.”

Watch the video above to hear Renner describe his heroic decision to avoid stronger painkillers, and explain why he wanted to be “the first man in history to heal in like, three days!”

Tag hits theaters on June 15.

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Source : MTV