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Kellyanne Conway’s husband is trying to tell the public Trump is mentally ill. She doesn’t agree


“No, I don’t share those concerns,” she told reporters on Monday when questioned about her husband George Conway’s weekend tweets calling into doubt Trump’s mental state.

The divide has at times drawn Trump’s ire — “He’s just trying to get publicity for himself,” he told reporters in November — yet the split persists.

This weekend, as Trump was lobbing his own Twitter invective in all directions, George Conway responded with screengrabs showing the medical definitions of narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

“*All* Americans should be thinking seriously *now* about Trump’s mental condition and psychological state, including and especially the media, Congress—and the Vice President and Cabinet,” he wrote.

On Sunday, he stated simply: “His condition is getting worse.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, that sentiment was not repeated by the half of the Conway couple that works inside the White House.

“I have four kids and I was getting them out of the house this morning to talk to the President about substance so I may not be up to speed on all of them (his tweets),” she told reporters on the White House North Lawn after appearing on Fox News.

Trump himself has rebuffed mental health questions in the past. When questions about his acuity arose after author Michael Wolff published an account that depicted the President as unhinged, the President responded by calling himself a “very stable genius.”

Seeking to quiet the claims of mental decline, Trump also insisted his physician administer a cognitive exam during his annual physical in 2018. The doctor, White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, later told reporters he scored perfectly.

Trump did not take the test this year, at least according to a readout of his physical from his doctor.

She didn’t go further, though George Conway has said before that his wife does not appreciate the public Trump criticism he’s taken to on Twitter.

“I don’t think she likes it,” he told host Michael Isikoff on the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery” in November. “But I’ve told her, I don’t like the administration, so it’s even.”

He also noted they aren’t the only Washington couple who disagree on politics.

It wasn’t always that way; George Conway, a conservative lawyer, was once under consideration for a top job in Trump’s Justice Department. He later withdrew from consideration.

In November, he helped co-found Checks and Balances, a group of conservative and libertarian lawyers who are critical of Trump’s approach on legal and political institutions.

And he’s delighted liberals — and enraged Trump supporters — with his regular ripostes of the President on Twitter.

He’s been deeply critical of Trump’s handling of the Justice Department, particular in the time when the President publicly fumed against his then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

And he’s offered periodic views of the ongoing investigation into whether members of Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

Through it all, Kellyanne Conway has largely avoided explaining the situation. She bristled at a question about her husband’s tweets during a CNN appearance last year, saying it was a sign that family relationships were “fair game.”

“It’s very good for the whole world to have just witnessed that it’s … now fair game what people’s — how people’s spouses and significant others may differ with them,” she said.

And she told The Washington Post the anti-Trump tweets were “disrespectful” to her — a viewpoint that was echoed in December by Trump’s son Eric.

“Of all the ugliness in politics, the utter disrespect George Conway shows toward his wife, her career, place of work, and everything she has fought SO hard to achieve, might top them all,” he wrote.

The President himself has taken a more lighthearted approach. Asked about a particular critique George Conway issued in November, Trump made clear where his allegiance stood.

“You mean Mr. Kellyanne Conway?” he asked.

Source : Nbcnewyork