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New Disney+ Details on Star Wars, Marvel, High School Musical, Classic Movies and More


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Disney+ made a lot of big announcements on Thursday during its Investor Day presentation, confirming several rumored series and sharing a sneak peek at what the anticipated service is going to look like. In its first year, Disney+ will launch more than 10 original movies and 25 original series and offer a library of 7,500 episodes of television as well as over 500 film titles, including recent and classic movies. That’s a whopping amount of content, and the library is only expected to grow year over year.

Here’s what TV Guide learned about the Disney+ launch and upcoming programming.

Disney+ will launch in November: Disney+ launches on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 and will cost subscribers $6.99 a month. An annual option will also be available for $69.99 (which works out to be $5.83 per month).

Disney+ looks a lot like Netflix: The layout of the service looks a lot like the streaming giant everyone already uses. The content is laid out in curated bars like Recently Watched, Recommended for You, and Trending Now. You can separate content by type (movies, shows, etc) or brand (Marvel, LucasFilm, Disney, National Geographic, etc). Check out a screenshot below.

You can download all content for offline viewing: This is HUGE. Netflix and Amazon allow you to download some content for offline viewing, but Disney+ is going to let you download any and all content from the service so you can watch on road trips, airplanes, or tragic times when the wi-fi goes down. And you can keep it for an unlimited time as long as you are a subscriber.

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The Mandalorian, High School Musical: The Musical, and more will be available sooner than you thought: There are still no exact premiere dates, but all of the content previewed for investors will be available within the first year of launch. The highly anticipated Star Wars series The Mandalorian, starring Pedro Pascal, High School Musical: The Musical, and a live-action Lady & The Tramp film will be available on launch day. The Monsters Inc. series Monsters at Work and 24 other films will be made available within year one.

Marvel series confirmed: Marvel boss Kevin Feige the rumored Marvel series during his presentation. First off is WandaVision, which will reunite Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany as the star-crossed her lovers. Next, the Falcon and Winter Soldier series is officially happening as well as the Loki series starring Tom Hiddleston. All three titles will be available within the first year of launch of the streaming service. Note: Feige did not mention the reported Hawkeye series starring Jeremy Renner.

Many, but not all, of the MCU films will be on Disney+: The good news is that Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World will be available on launch day. Other titles including Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther and Ant Man and the Wasp will be available within year one of the launch. Disney+ will also be the exclusive streaming home of Avengers: Endgame after its theatrical and home entertainment release.

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What If is happening: As reported last month, Marvel is adding an animated series, What If, based on the comics of the same name to the Disney+ series. The series reimagines key moments from the MCU with mind-bending questions. Feige said that one of the first episodes will ask the question what if Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) had become the super soldier instead of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)?

Alan Tudyk will be in the Cassian Andor series: We’ve known for a minute that Diego Luna will return to the Star Wars series based on his Rogue One character, Cassian Andor. However, Star Wars boss Kathleen Kennedy confirmed during the presentation that Alan Tudyk will also reprise his role as reprogrammed Imperial security droid K-2SO.

The entire Disney Classic animated movie collection will be available at launch: This is the news that Disney nerds care about the most. All of the great animated films from your childhood (and before) will be available on the service at launch. Thirteen recent classics including Moana and Frozen will also be there — and Frozen II will also live on the series after its theatrical release and at home entertainment release in 2020.

The Simpsons will also join Disney+: The first 30 seasons of The Simpsons will also be available on Disney+ on launch day.

Disney+ will be the exclusive streaming home of all future Disney theatrical releases: That means that the upcoming Lion King, Artemis Fowl and more films will al land on Disney+ after their theatrical and home entertainment releases. If you want to save money on DVDs, this is the service you need to keep the kids happy and watching peacefully!

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Every Disney Channel Original Movie will be available on Disney+ at launch: Hello millennials, your dreams have come true. Disney+ will be the streaming home of every single Disney Channel Original Movie — we’re talking Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, Johnny Tsunami, Cadet Kelly and more will be at your finger tips on launch day.

National Geographic will also be available at launch: Over 250 films and documentaries from National Geographic — including the Academy Award winning Free Solo — will be available on launch day. This includes two original series created specifically for the streaming service. Jeff Goldblum will host The World According to Jeff Goldblum, where the beloved actor explores mysteries close to his heart. The second series is Magic of the Animal Kingdom, which will go behind the scenes of Disney’s Animal Kingdom park and the Epcott aquarium at the Disney World park to show what goes into caring for the animals at the world’s most iconic theme park.

It’s going to look good: Everything will stream in 4K and HDR, which is fancy wording for it’s going to be the best of HD has to offer right now. You’ll be able to see Captain Marvel’s (Brie Larson) flawless pores, get psyched.

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Source : TVGuide