Home Entertainment Psych: The Movie 2: Jimmi Simpson Teases Mary Lightly’s Return

Psych: The Movie 2: Jimmi Simpson Teases Mary Lightly’s Return


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Jimmi Simpson Teases Psych: The Movie 2 Return

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There’s still so much we don’t know yet about Psych: The Movie 2, but Jimmi Simpson recently shared some exciting teases about what fans can expect of the anticipated follow-up film. Simpson, who was at the ATX Television Festival on Friday promoting his Epix drama Perpetual Grace, LTD, couldn’t say too much about how his character, Mary Lightly, will return, but he did reveal this: “It will be fantastical. And there will be singing. Come on. I mean, we’re not assholes, James [Roday] and I. We know how to do this.”

Simpson added that his appearance in the movie will be “the weirdest Mary situation yet,” which is saying a lot given that when he last appeared in the first Psych film it was in a dream sequence that involved Mary and Shawn (Roday) performing a duet of The Gin Blossoms’ “Allison Road” and a cameo by a pony voiced by The Outsiders author S.E. Hinton.

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But in order to bring Simpson back into the Psych universe, Roday and creator Steve Franks always have to get creative since Mary was killed off in his second appearance, the Season 4 finale “Mr. Yin Presents.” So far they’ve used a pre-taped video, a trip to heaven during the musical episode, and the aforementioned dream sequence in order to bring the deceased researcher back into the fold. And Simpson said there’s no limit to Mary Lightly cameos in the future. “It’s basically James’ goal to come up with a new way to use Mary Lightly with whatever Psych show they’re doing next — or movie. So I can’t imagine Mary leaving anytime soon,” he said.

Although Simpson’s career has taken off since his first Psych appearance, in 2009 (in addition to Perpetual Grace, you might have heard of some little shows called Westworld and Black Mirror), the actor said he’ll always jump at the chance to return to the world of Shawn and Gus (Dulé Hill).

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“James Roday is kind of the big thing,” Simpson said of why he loves appearing in Psych. “He’s one of my dearest friends. I love that man. He got that role before most of us were working a lot and he just set the standard for me and a lot of my friends — this is what it’s like, this is the gratitude you have, this is how you run a set when you’re the number one: with love and understanding and patience and togetherness. And so it’s one of the most cohesive sets I’ve ever worked on. It literally feels like a family reunion each time I work on Psych. And that’s hard to get, man. It has to come from the top down. So it’s James Roday and his energy and Steve Franks and his writing and energy.”

Psych: The Movie 2 will premiere on USA later this year. Psych is available to stream on Amazon.

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Source : TVGuide