Home NEWS Stormy Daniels Suit: My Old Lawyer Was Trump’s ‘Puppet’

Stormy Daniels Suit: My Old Lawyer Was Trump’s ‘Puppet’


Stormy Daniels says in a new lawsuit that her former lawyer betrayed her and became a “puppet” for President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer while representing her, NBC News reported.

The filing in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday alleges that Beverly Hills lawyer Keith Davidson “hatched a plan” and “colluded” with Trump attorney Michael Cohen to get the adult film actress to go on Fox News a few months ago and falsely deny she had an affair with Trump. Cohen referred to Davidson as “pal” in one text message cited in the complaint.

The lawsuit against Davidson and Cohen also claims that Trump was aware the two attorneys were communicating and coordinating for his benefit. 

A lawyer for Cohen, Brent Blakely, said in a statement to NBC that the lawsuit “has no merit.”

“It appears to be yet another publicity stunt, and nothing more. We look forward to defeating the lawsuit in court,” he said.

And a spokesman for Davidson said the lawsuit is “frivolous,” adding,”Thankfully, the truth can now finally come out to rebut the false narrative about Attorney Davidson that Mr. Avenatti has been pushing in his more than 175 television appearances and countless other media interviews. Attorney Davidson believes that the American people deserve to know the entire truth – and they soon will.”

An attorney for Trump did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the lawsuit. The White House has previously denied that Trump had an affair with Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford.

Daniels’ attorney now is Michael Avenatti.

Source : Nbcnewyork