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Supergirl Promotes Jess Rath, Brainiac-5, to Series Regular for Season 4 – Today’s News: Our Take


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Supergirl is getting some brain-power in Season 4!

According to Deadline, Jesse Rath, who plays Brainiac-5, has been upped to series regular for Supergirl‘s Season 4 roster.

“We love the character of Brainiac-5 and can’t imagine anyone but Jesse Rath in the role,” said executive producers Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller. “He brings such fun, heart and brilliance to Brainy and we’re so excited he’s joining the cast as a series regular for season 4. We have a lot of great Brainy stories to tell.”

Brainy, a half-organic, half-computer humanoid, first appeared when Kara (Melissa Benoist) discovered Mon-El (Chris Wood) had returned to Earth from the future with a whole team of shipmates in tow. Unbeknownst to Mon-El, Brainy and Mon-El’s wife Imra (Amy Jackson) were on a secret mission to stop one of the World Killers Kara went up against this season. Brainy and Imra traveled back to the future after completing their mission, but Mon-El stayed in Kara’s time to figure out his feelings for her.

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Rath’s new role in Season 4 means we might be getting another visit from the future in the Season 3 finale to explain his return, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8/7c on the CW.

(Full disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, one of The CW’s parent companies.)

Jesse Rath, Supergirl

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Source : TVGuide