Home Entertainment The Best New Shows to Stream July 26, 2019: Orange Is the...

The Best New Shows to Stream July 26, 2019: Orange Is the New Black, Another Life, and The Boys


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Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black is ending its illustrious run this weekend. I’m sure you’ll be tuning in to find out what happens to your faves, but if you’re not ready to bawl your eyes out over this group of miraculous women, there’s also a deceptively fun superhero show titled The Boys and Katee Sackhoff’s return to space in Another Life to check out.

These recommendations courtesy of TV Guide are here to help you through your weekend binge. And if you’re looking for even more suggestions, head over to TV Guide’s Watch This Now! page, which has hand-picked recommendations for all the best shows you can start watching immediately.

1. Orange Is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black comes to close this weekend with the seventh and final season. Despite varying in quality over the seasons, the Netflix series introduced us to one of the most diverse and engaging casts on TV. Taystee (Danielle Brooks), Pennsatucky (Taryn Manning), and Blanca (Laura Gomez), in particular, have endings so emotionally powerful that even if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon, you’ll want to jump back on. Pour one out for the end of an era and all the faves we lost along the way.

2. Another Life

This is not a drill: Katee Sackhoff (better known as Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica) is returning to space in a new Netflix sci-fi adventure titled Another Life. Stepping into the captain role, Sackhoff plays Niko, a woman with a complicated past (and body count) who leads humanity’s first FTL ship into the universe to find the mysterious source of an alien probe that landed on Earth months ago. Chock full of classic sci-fi hallmarks and featuring an incredibly fresh cast, Another Life has something everyone can enjoy.

3. The Boys

An adaptation of an edgelord Garth Ennis comic about a group of vigilantes funded by the CIA to trap, punish, and even kill corrupt superheroes, Amazon‘s The Boys could have easily flopped. But Eric Kripke and Seth Rogen‘s loose interpretation of the source material leads to an incredibly well paced, tightly plotted series that eschews nihilism (but not violence) in favor of hope. An incredibly nimble and hilarious cast that includes Karl Urban, Erin Moriarty, Jack Quaid and Simon Pegg make The Boys a must watch.

If you’re still looking for something to watch, remember to check out TV Guide’s Watch This Now! feature. It’s full of hand-picked recommendations, from the talked-about shows to the gems you can’t afford to pass up.

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Source : TVGuide