Did Emma Stone Just Apologize For Playing An Asian Character At The Golden Globes?


If there’s one film credit that Emma Stone wishes she could erase from her IMDB, it’s probably Cameron Crowe’s Aloha — a film in which she played Allison Ng, a young woman of Chinese-Hawaiian-Swedish descent. (And no, Stone is not of Chinese-Hawaiian-Swedish decent.)

It’s a role that not only taught the Oscar winner an important lesson about Hollywood’s embarrassing history of whitewashing, but it also earned her a slight roasting at the 2019 Golden Globes on Sunday night (January 6). “Crazy Rich Asians is nominated tonight,” co-host Sandra Oh said during her and Andy Samberg’s relatively wholesome opening monologue. “It is the first studio film with an Asian lead since Ghost In The Shell and Aloha,” she concluded, referring to two recent films in which white women (Scarlett Johansson and Stone, respectively) played characters of Asian decent on the big screen.

The joke earned a laugh from the A-list crowd, and it even seemingly sparked a surprise apology from Stone herself. After Oh landed the joke, someone who sounds a lot like Stone yelled out, “I’m sorry!” It’s all very endearing. Hear it for yourself:

The internet seems pretty convinced of Stone’s sincere apology, and they’re even willing to accept it:

In 2015, Stone addressed the Aloha controversy. “I’ve learned on a macro level about the insane history of whitewashing in Hollywood and how prevalent the problem truly is,” Stone told The Guardian. “It’s ignited a conversation that’s very important.”

While Stone would probably think twice before taking on that role in 2019, it’s good to know that she can take a joke.

Source : MTV