Arrow Season 5 Episode 10 Trailer: My Name is Emiko Queen


Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is officially on the side of the law!

In a new trailer for Arrow‘s midseason premiere, Oliver seems to be doing some positive press with Laurel (Katie Cassidy) to explain his new job as an official consultant for the Star City Police Department. That’s right folks, the Green Arrow has gone legit! It was a controversial decision when Oliver decided to put the hood back on legally, no longer living the vigilante life but rather working totally above board. Apparently, the public feels just as conflicted about it given that he has to sit down and talk about why it’s a good thing on-camera.

It’s hard to imagine a world in which Oliver’s tactics, which often include stringing people upside down by their ankles, exploding arrows and dropkicks would fly without getting some serious accusations of police brutality, but this is Arrow, so you know, creative license I guess.

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It’s also worth pointing out that it looks like Rene (Rick Gonzalez) and Emiko Queen (Sea Shimooka), the New Green Arrow, might be teaming up in the near future. Predictably though, Emiko doesn’t seem happy to have Rene and his loose cannon nature on her squad.

Arrow returns Monday, Jan. 21 at 8/7c on The CW.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, The CW’s parent company.)

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Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards, Arrow

Source : TVGuide