Celebrity Big Brother Kato Kaelin Exit Interview


Possibly America’s most famous houseguest, Kato Kaelin is no longer a Celebrity Big Brother houseguest.

In an alliance with comedian Tom Green since the beginning, Kato created a larger alliance with Natalie Eva Marie and Lolo Jones in order to get Olympic athlete Ryan Lochte and former Blossom star Joey Lawrence out of the house. But when Tom and Kato began plotting to backdoor former NFL player Ricky Williams, who was the recently added fifth member of their alliance, Natalie and Lolo turned on the pair.

Once Tamar Braxton became Head of Household, it wasn’t long before the two men — dubbed “Tomato” by Big Brother fans on Twitter — were placed on the block. Tamar indicated she might backdoor Lolo or Natalie if either of the nominated houseguests were able to pull themselves down. Despite being very close to winning Power of Veto, Kato wasn’t able to claim the gold necklace and was set out the door in a unanimous vote (something that’s becoming very common in this season.)

TV Guide spoke to the actor about what made him realize he couldn’t trust Natalie and Lolo, why he could trust Tom no matter what, and who he thinks can win this game.

You and Tom were a pair. Why do you think–
Kaelin: A pair!? How about hashtag Tomato!? How about hashtag Tom-ato?

Sorry — you and Tom were hashtag Tom-ato. Why do you think they chose you over Tom to go first?
Kaelin: I used to go to the workout area. Every morning I would have to do a quick workout. And if Ricky or the Olympic Lolo saw me there, I think they started judging me because they saw I was disciplined. Then I won the Wall of Fame and I hung longer than Ricky Williams and Joey. It was like, “Okay, he is better than we thought.” I told Tom that they were hinting to me that I’d be the one out and he would go, “No, 100 percent I’ll be out.” I said, “Alright, buddy I know you’re not going to believe me, but watch what happens here.” And I was right! I knew it was going to be me even though I looked surprised — that was because I thought I’d get at least one vote from Dina Lohan, but I think she was in a tough spot. Had she voted with me, she knew that she’d be next, so no hard feelings that she had to do that.

You had your own power duo name. You and Tom became very close!
Kaelin: I told Julie Chen yesterday that Tom and I decided that one plus one equals The One. That’s so romantic! [Laughs] But it’s true. I told her we had this loyalty from day one. And I said no matter what, I’ll never ever go behind your back and he said the same thing, and I didn’t. Tom was the on the block, he was going to be the first one out. I told him I’m going to win Veto, and I’m going to give you the Veto. And boom. Veto for Kato.

Lolo and Natalie turned against you two when you wanted to backdoor Ricky. Did you sense that or was it a complete surprise when Natalie didn’t use the Power of Veto?
Kaelin: We had a thing that no matter what happened [at the Power of Veto], we were going to meet together for a decision. And Natalie kept avoiding it like, “We’ll get together for this.” I told Tom that they were avoiding us. And he said they’re plotting. I thought, “Really you think?” Then she said, “Lolo is sick as can be, she’s out cold.” “Out cold” means “Kato don’t go in their room because we’re going to go against you.” No matter what, I believe in honest duplicity. Had they just said something… I hate the fact that someone could lie. I know it’s a game, but my heart wouldn’t let me believe that in the game they were lying. But guess what — they can!

So that’s where you think it went wrong?
Kaelin: We had opportunities. If Tom had gotten the field goal, we could have backdoored Ricky. If I had gotten to the buzzer — I knew it was going to be “A” because they hadn’t used it — and we missed it. We had the opportunity twice and we missed it by a split second. What can you do? No sour grapes here! Okay, a little sour grape. Okay, a raisin. Okay, a caper.

Aside from those two comps, what else would have changed about your game play?
Kaelin: When Tom won HOH, we said, “Should we just go for Lolo and Ricky?” And that was when we thought the alliance was still kind of strong. My heart of emotions said, “Nah, you can’t do it. I think they’re on our side.” That’s what did it. I should have stuck by not thinking with my heart of hurting feelings because it would have been the perfect, unexpected game play. Now I’m talking to you on the phone now…

So what’s it really like in this house?
Kaelin: There is a fight in that house every day. I’m like, oh my god, these people are going to tear each other apart. If you notice, Tom and I just sat back. I said, “Listen, let them just go at it.” That was our plan; we’d just go upstairs and play pool. I am going to go on a pool tour soon because that’s how good I got. Tom and I never ever lost our sense of humor. We never got in an argument, and we thought that was smart. In hindsight, [the house] saw our bond and had to get rid of one of us and that was me.

Who do you think has the best chance of winning?
Tom is going to be in the final four, 100 percent. He’s probably going to be the winner, too. We went through every scenario, constantly. Tom would talk and I would go, “Tom, just let me have a 10 minute nap please.” Every possible scenario we went through. And after watching yesterday’s episode, I see we were right! We were right about everything we said about their conversations. But we didn’t win when we needed to win.

If Anthony Scaramucci had been a real houseguest, how do you think that would have changed the game?
Kaelin: Well, that’s another thing. We didn’t know he was a mole; he was just part of our alliance. Anthony and Kato and Tom — we thought this would be strong. Anthony is very analytical; with Tom and myself, that would have been a strong alliance. They would have gone after us, but Anthony turns out to be a mole. It was like, “Oh no, Mooch! You really are the Mooch!”

What was your knowledge of Big Brother before going into the house? Did you watch?
I knew about the show. Twenty years ago, when I heard the word “houseguest” on a show, I thought they were talking about me! You know, everybody kept talking about me being “America’s houseguest.” I was like, “Umm, this is a show I should be on I think!” And when they contacted me, I said this is the greatest opportunity to show my spirit. I’m hoping my spirit came across as that I love life and I’m really positive. You can’t fake who you are for 24 days — and that’s who I am.

Who should be the next to go?
Kaelin: Tamar. I hope she gets voted out this week. She’s playing the game really well. The deal was that I wasn’t going to be evicted; Kandi said they would backdoor Ricky, and I knew that was coming from Tamar. Everything is playing in her advantage.

I’m surprised. I would think you’d want Natalie and Lolo out before her because they double-crossed you.
Kaelin: It would be Tamar and one of the others on the block. If two of them are up there, I know if one wins the Veto, I’ve got the other option. Tamar would be one of them and between Ricky, Natalie and Lolo, it’s just a coin toss.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

Source : TVGuide