Auto Finance Risk Summit goes virtual | Auto Finance News


As the auto lending and leasing industry navigates the uncertainty of coronavirus crisis, the Auto Finance Risk Summit is going digital.

Originally scheduled to take place in Dallas, the Auto Finance Risk Summit will now be presented solely and exclusively online May 6-7.

The Auto Finance Risk Summit is being held at a critical time for risk management in the industry as COVID-19 continues to damage global economics and create significant dislocation in the auto finance sector. As part of the transition to a digital format, the Summit’s agenda has been refocused to include a presentation on economic scenarios and the future of the auto market, stemming credit losses, and managing heightened digital risk in the face of the pandemic.

The full, revised agenda for the Auto Finance Risk Summit may be viewed here.

The severity of the coronavirus-created recession has yet to be determined. New-vehicle sales in the U.S. for 2020 were already forecast to decline 1.2% before the coronavirus began unwinding economic activity. Now, new forecasts put the SAAR in range of 13 million units. Just today JP Morgan suggested that the decline in 2020 light vehicle sales will exceed 15%, the previous estimate.

The Auto Finance Risk Summit will put these risks into perspective through  presentations, panels, roundtables, and more. All recorded content will be available for up to three months after the event.

For more information about the event’s sessions, networking opportunities and interactive features, please visit the event website here.

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Source : AutoFinanceNews