How Wolf Blitzer and other news anchors are preparing for Election Day


We spoke to anchors about their routines and plans in preparation for Election Day. Here’s how they’re getting ready.

“I’ll spend an hour on the treadmill, have a very healthy breakfast, and there’s a few light bulbs I need to change around the house. And yes, I will trim my beard…”

“Workout. Lunch. Nap. Pick up triple shot on ice and three Perfect Bars from Starbucks. Head to work with an extra shirt and tie…”

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC

“I used to always order the same sandwich from the same deli — 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014… but then they closed in the summer of 2016! If 2016 and 2018 are any guide, I’ll spend election day this year thinking about that sandwich all day and worrying that I have somehow upended the order of the universe by failing to keep that tradition. Did I mention that by the time election day rolls around, I’m basically 100% guided by superstition?”

Norah O’Donnell, CBS

“I’m going to wake up, get in some exercise, eat a healthy breakfast and then take a minute to read everything, relax, and go over my notes. I’ll be preparing all day long, checking in on what’s going on across the country. I always try and touch base with the campaign managers or top political advisors before we go on the air so I can report what I’m hearing from the top of the campaigns and then we’re off to the races!”

Andrea Mitchell, NBC

“Before going into the studio I touch base with sources in the battleground states, get briefed on the exit polls, talk to my producers — and get something to eat! It could be a long night.”

Chuck Todd, NBC

“I play two songs frequently to get me in the mood, usually alternating. The first song is ‘One Day More’ from Les Misérables, the lyrics evoke many themes you hear a lot these days. After that high-minded way of setting the tone for me, I then blast the Ramones.”

Source : Nbcnewyork