What Movies to See (or Skip) in Australian Cinemas This June


Starring: Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, Griffin Dunne

Directed by: Gary Ross

What is it? A female-flipped reboot of a reboot: Sandra Bullock leads a team of wisecracking crooks to loot the Met Gala.

You’ll like it if you liked: 2001’s “Ocean’s Eleven,” directed by Steven Soderbergh, or other recent female-driven reboots of action flicks, like 2016’s “Ghostbusters.”

Critic’s take: “At some point between the first and second hours, though, you may find yourself wishing that Mr. Soderbergh — a producer here — had also directed ‘Ocean’s 8.’ Its cast aside, the movie sounds and narratively unwinds like the previous installments, but without the same easy snap or visual allure.”

Source : Nytimes