Game of Thrones Season 8: Maisie Williams Describes Final Scene as Arya Stark


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Game of Thrones‘ final season won’t air until 2019, but the actors have been finished for months. So by the time we see it, they’ll already have moved on with their lives. Well, maybe not all of them — it’s gotta be hard to say goodbye to a gig that good — but Maisie Williams will have. In an interview with The Guardian, Williams, who has played Arya Stark on the HBO fantasy series since she was 12 (she’s now 21), says that she’s ready to move on from playing the vengeful middle Stark sibling.

“I got to the end and I didn’t want more,” she says. “I had exhausted every possible piece of Arya. And this season was quite big for me. I had a lot more to do. Mainly because there’s just less characters now, so everyone’s got more to do.”

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Williams doesn’t give away any details of the plot, but she does say that the last scene she shot was “beautiful.”

“I ended on the perfect scene,” she says. “I was alone — shocker! Arya’s always bloody alone. But I was alone and I had watched a lot of other people wrap. I knew the drill, I had seen the tears and heard the speeches.” After she wrapped, Williams gave her own off-the-cuff speech, went to her trailer to be alone for a little while, then went out to dinner where she “drank a lot of sake.”

It’s important to note here that the last scene she shot is not necessarily her final scene on the show. We can’t say for sure that Arya will end the show alone, but she definitely might. It would certainly be in keeping with the character to die alone. But it would cooler to see her and the Hound (Rory McCann) die together. It’s almost impossible to imagine Arya surviving, though, isn’t it?

Game of Thrones Season 8 will premiere in 2019 on HBO.

Source : TVGuide