Home Food and Drink Cooking How to Can Peaches at Home

How to Can Peaches at Home


Nothing is more delicious on a hot summer’s day than taking a big, juicy bite out of a sweet peach. Yet the summer fruit’s season is short — at its peak in just July and August — so stock up now while you can.

But what if you went a little overboard at the the farmer’s market and came home with so many peaches that there’s no way you can eat them all before they go bad? Sure, you could bake up peach pies or cobblers for the whole neighborhood, but who wants to turn on the oven? Or you could put your blender to the test and whir up one too many peach smoothies, but brain freeze is a real thing, people. Instead, follow these easy steps to learn how to can peaches at home — your future self will thank you when you’re bundled under the covers on the couch, craving those sunny summer days.

Frozen peaches last 4 to 6 months in the freezer, but according to Ball, canned peaches can be stored in a cool, dry, dark place for 12 to 18 months, which means you can pull out a jar to make recipes using canned peaches all year long, from peach pancakes in the winter, to sautéed peaches and pork in the spring, and even next summer’s sweet peach barbecue sauce.

Just remember to label each jar with the date it was canned, and keep them away from direct sunlight (which can cause oxidation) and at a comfortable temperature (between 50° and 70°F).

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  • 10 to 12 lbs ripe peaches
  • Granulated sugar
  • 6 quart-sized canning jars
  • 6 rings and 6 new lids
  • Water bath canner pot
  • Canning tongs

    STEP 1

    Clean and sterilize the jars and rings (pro tip: we run them on a short cycle in the dishwasher). You can re-use jars and rings, but you’ll need new lids for a proper seal.

    STEP 2

    While you are sterilizing your jars, peel and slice the peaches, discarding the pits. Remember, you are preserving summer here, so make sure your peaches are ripe!

    STEP 3

    Divide the peaches among the sterilized jars, really packing them in. Gently tap the jars on the counter to help the peaches settle to the bottom.

    STEP 4

    Fill the water bath canner with water and bring to a boil.

    STEP 5

    Prepare the simple syrup. Bring 8 cups water to a boil. Add 2 cups granulated sugar and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Pour the syrup into the jars, making sure to completely cover the peaches, and leaving about ½ inch of space at the top.

    STEP 6

    Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Use the canning tongs to carefully place the new lids in the water and boil to loosen the seal, about 5 minutes.

    STEP 7

    Carefully place a boiled lid on each sterilized jar and secure with the sterilized rings.

    STEP 8

    Use the canning tongs to place the jars in the water bath canner. Add additional water if necessary so the jars are completely covered with water. Cover and bring back to a boil, then boil for 25 minutes.

    STEP 9

    Use the canning tongs to transfer the jars to a dishtowel and let completely cool. Press down on the lid to test to see if they are sealed properly (if it pops back, it’s not sealed and you should repeat the process).

    STEP 10

    Once the jars are totally cool, store them in a cool, dry, dark place for up to 18 months. Once the seal is broken you can refrigerate for up to 1 week.

    Source : Goodhousekeeping