10 Best Meat Substitutes to Buy



Substituting meat for plant-based proteins as the star of weeknight dinners and make-ahead lunches is a healthy and delicious way to try your hand at a new diet. The healthiest meat substitutes can be hearty veggies or legumes themselves, but they may be products made from soy, wheat gluten, nuts, vegetables, legumes, or a combination of them all.

If you’re new to trying faux meats or packaged meat substitutes, you’ll need to keep in mind that all vary in how closely they resemble meat in flavors, textures, and certainly appearance. Just because a meat substitute might be shaped into burgers, nuggets, or sausages to mimic meat products we know and love, doesn’t necessarily mean their flavor profile will stand up to their meat counterparts. Additionally, not all meat substitutes are automatically vegan; some will have traces of eggs or other dairy, so be sure to always peek at nutrition labels before you start cooking.

And of course, you have to remember that just because something is meatless, if doesn’t mean it’s automatically good for you. “I’m definitely a fan of plant-based meals, and it’s great to cut down on your consumption of red meat, but take a close look at what you’re substituting it with. Some of these meat substitutes are over-processed, loaded with saturated fat, and contain excessive amounts of sodium,” says Good Housekeeping Institute Registered Dietitian Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN,

With that in mind, step out of your comfort zone and try adding one of these best meat substitutes into your rotation.

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Native Forest


As the name implies, this fruit is a close relative of figs, but has a consistency that is very similar to shredded meat. While you can buy the fruit whole, it’s much easier to buy it canned or in refrigerated pouches. Because its flavor is quite subtle, it pairs nicely with whatever ingredients or sauces that you’re cooking it with. From pulled “pork” sandwiches to chili to a hearty platter of nachos, there are plenty of creative ways to jazz up jackfruit.

RELATED: These Jackfruit Recipes Will Make You Forget All About Meat



Perhaps one of the most common meat substitutes, tofu is a product made from curdled soybeans and it is available in extra-firm, firm, and soft. It has a neutral flavor, so it can be paired with endless sauces, grains, and veggies, and it can be baked, grilled, or fried. Whether you’re craving some pad Thai or tacos, it’s easy to make tofu the star of your dish. Because of its high water content, it’s common practice to “press” tofu before cooking it. This removes a lot of moisture and makes for extra crispy tofu.

RELATED: 38 Easy Tofu Recipes That Meat Lovers Can Get Behind 





Like tofu, tempeh is a product made from soybeans; however, the soybeans in tempeh are fermented, and various grains and beans are also incorporated for a heartier texture and flavor. You can prepare in a multitude of ways, including grilling it in a similar fashion to meat, plus frying, baking, or sautéing it. 

The flavor is much more divisive than that of tofu–it has a subtle tanginess (from the fermentation), a tougher texture, and a nutty aftertaste. It’s not for everyone–but if it is for you, try it out in lettuce wraps or grain bowls.



Westbrae Natural


Lentils are a staple of vegetarian diets due to their versatility; they come in many different colors, including green, black, red, yellow, and brown. You can typically find them in the dry goods section, but if your grocery store has a bulk aisle, they might be there as well. For Sassos, lentils are a weekly staple: “We love making a meatless Bolognese with lentils and diced sautéed mushrooms —they give a similar meaty consistency and nice deep flavor to the dish.”Lentils should be rinsed and simmered until they are tender but not mushy. From there, you can toss them into curries, stews, stir fries, salads, and meatless patties.

RELATED: 25 Tasty Lentil Recipes for Healthy and Easy Weeknight Meals



Commonly known as “wheat meat,” seitan is a product made from wheat gluten that very closely imitates the texture of meat protein. You can buy it in strips or in a ground form, and it’s best prepared in stir-fries, salads, and curries. It also works great on the grill — throw it on a kebab skewer and dinner is on the table in no time. Its earthy flavor is very similar to mushrooms, but when seasoned properly, it can function as a perfect 1:1 chicken swap. Keep in mind that this is not a great meat substitute if you have a gluten sensitivity or allergy.


Canned Black Beans

Great Value Organic



Veggie Burgers

Whether you’re making them from scratch or buying pre-made, veggie burgers are a great meatless option for a simple dinner. A quick formula for homemade burgers: Toss together your favorite veggies, beans, and grains with an egg (or egg substitute for vegan varieties) and some flour or breadcrumbs for patties that you can grill or pan sear. Add smoked paprika or liquid smoke to mimic the flavor of meat.

Sassos regularly picks up Hilary’s Veggie Burgers in the frozen aisle, which are free of gluten, soy, and nuts. If you’re considering a new kind of veggie burger, “Try to look for whole foods on the ingredient’s list, and check to make sure the first ingredient is some type of vegetable, bean, or whole grain. Try to avoid meat substitutes with ‘soy protein concentrate’ or ‘soy protein isolate’ on the ingredients list,” she advises.

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Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans

Palouse Brand


What can’t a chickpea do? Also known as a garbanzo bean, chickpeas can be purchased dry or canned — both are great, but the canned option will certainly save you some cooking time. From falafel to hummus to creamy soups to crispy snacks, this humble bean is a great meat-free option that will add a blast of flavor and protein to any dish.


Plant-Based Sausages

Beyond Meat


This store-bought product is typically made up of a combination of beans, grains, vegetables, and spices, making them a great dinner option when you’re in a time crunch. Serve them over a bed of your favorite grain, in soups, or wrapped in a bun and topped with sauerkraut. Beyond Sausage will make you question why you ever needed to eat real sausage in the first place; it’s made with pea protein and contains less sodium per serving than other leading brands. Be sure to scan the labels of pre-made products like sausages for hidden nutritional bombs, like saturated fat counts and added sodium


Plant-Based Chicken



Who doesn’t love a good nugget every now and then? Vegan and vegetarian Chik’n has proliferated frozen aisles of supermarkets (and even launched online!) but we’re soft on The Alpha Nugget for its reduced fat and sodium counts. Look for chicken substitutes containing wholesome ingredients like wheat protein, corn flour, soybean oil, and all kinds of spices. You can use this faux chicken in things like salads, wraps, or even whole patties in sandwiches throughout the work week.

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Source : Goodhousekeeping