1894: Serbia’s King Suspends Constitution


[BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] BELGRADE, MAY 21. — The suspension of the Constitution, which after the turn events have been taking for the last day or two has been foreseen, is now a fait accompli.

In a proclamation by King Alexander to the people in which he points out in forcible terms the fault of the Constitution of 1888, His Majesty orders its suspension and puts in force in all its details the Constitution of June 29, 1869.

The Nicolajevitch Ministry, which had handed in its resignation, is maintained in office by the King, who states that it enjoys his complete confidence.

A second ukase, issued by the advice of the Ministers and in virtue of Article 56 of the Constitution of 1869, orders the abrogation of all the laws relating to the press, to communal Government and elections, in so far as they are in contradiction with the Constitution, and puts in force the former laws resulting from the Constitution of 1869.

M. Nicholas Christitch, formerly President of the Council, and an intimate friend of King Milan, is named President of the new Council of State. M. Velkovitch is named Vice-President.

M. Babovitch, President of the Court of Appeal, is named President of the new Cour de Cassation. M. Georges Stefanovitch is appointed President of the Cour des Comptes.

In Radical circles it is alleged that the alleged anti-dynastic plot is only an invention of the Government in order to have a weapon against the Radical party. It is stated that the Government hopes to force it to abandon its attitude of reserve in order to have an excuse to annihilate it. The majority of the party maintains that it is absolutely loyal.

— The New York Herald, European Edition, May 22, 1894

Source : Nytimes