1922: Ex-Kaiser to Marry Princess Hermine


Credit…International Herald Tribune

DOORN, Tuesday. — The Kaiser has officially contracted an engagement of marriage with Princess Hermine of Schönaich-Caroiath née Princess Ruess.

The first official news of the former Kaiser’s engagement reached Paris yesterday in the above telegram to The New York Herald direct from Doorn. Princess Hermine, younger daughter of the late reigning Prince Heinrich XXII of the elder line of the House of Ruess, married Prince Johann, a cadet of the Prussian princely family of Carolath-Beuthen in 1907, and became a widow in 1920. She has three sons and two daughters.

According to a message from Berlin, the marriage will probably take place in November. The ex-Kaiser originally intended to announce his engagement towards the end of October, but changed his mind and made the present announcement owing to information published in America.

Princess Hermine visited the ex-Kaiser at Doorn last spring and stayed about a week at the castle. Since then she has been in constant correspondence with him. The marriage project has encountered strong opposition from members of the Hohenzollern family and in Monarchist circles of Germany. A deputation, headed by Herr von Oldenburg-Januscha, even went to Doorn to press objections, but met with a warm reply from the former monarch.

The “Deutsche Tages Zeitung” indicates that the news of the engagement made a disagreeable impression on the ex-Kaiser’s sons, but that the unpleasantness has been glossed over, and they will be represented at the wedding by the former Crown Prince.

— The New York Herald, European Edition, Sept. 20, 1922.

Source : Nytimes