1969: 12 Santa Clauses Arrested in London


Credit…International Herald Tribune

LONDON, Dec. 17 (UPI) — Twelve Santa Clauses were arrested for illegal picketing today.

The Santas are members of a new labor union, the Brotherhood of Father Christmas and Santa Claus.

Police charged them with obstructing the sidewalk. The Santas, bearing such placards as “Santa Claus Is A Dirty White Collar Worker,” had been marching up and down in front of Selfridge’s, an Oxford Street department store.

Before the arrest, a union spokesman said the picketing was directed against non-union Santas and any store that would charge admission for a child to see Santa.

“The union has been set up to see that there is no further exploitation of this magical children’s fantasy,” the spokesman said.

Police released the 12 Santas on bail. They are to appear in court tomorrow.

— The International Herald Tribune, December 18, 1969

Source : Nytimes