2021 Celebrity Tarotscopes: Psychic Predicts What’s to Come for Stars


Angie’s Prediction for Ariana Grande: Can’t stop won’t stop. Although Ariana Grande just dropped a new album back in October, Angie foresaw more creativity for the hitmaker. “Well, I get some sort of creative collaboration for her,” the celebrity mystic stated. “Someone is coming, next year.”

Angie’s Prediction for Selena Gomez: What’s next for Selena Gomez? Well, what Angie told us, Selena is ready for the next stage of her career, but it’s not about music or acting. In actuality, the “Rare” singer wants to be a “leader.”

She added, “I see that more as like, speaking or charity work.”

Angie’s Prediction for Mindy Kaling: Love on the horizon? According to Angie, Mindy Kaling is “ready to settle down,” but isn’t rushing into anything.

Angie commented, “It feels like there’s someone she wants to be in a relationship with and she’s waiting to see if it’s going to work out.”

Source : Today