25 Easy Keto Sides – Keto-Friendly Side Dishes


Eating your way through the keto diet can often feel like a whole bunch of heavy, cheese-covered and butter-loaded mains. Figuring out how to complement these fat-forward dishes with something keto-approved to balance it out can be tricky. After all, any major sources of carbohydrates are completely off the menu: no bread, a restricted list of crunchy, cruciferous veggies, and sauces or dressings that contain elevated amounts of sugar are also a no-go. You’ll need to know which kinds of veggies you can eat without compromising your daily intake of carbs, plus ways to soothe any gnawing desires for bread, rice, or pasta without breaking your diet.

You’ll either jump for joy or be less than enthused to hear this, but many of the best keto side dishes are loaded with fats that you are already eating. Bacon is a must-have, and avocado is another common thread among these keto-friendly sides. These keto staples tend to make they’re way into sautés, casseroles, and sheet-pan-baked vegetable medleys that can help meaty entrées feel more balanced than ever. You’ll find plenty of cauliflower in this round up, alongside zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, and brussels sprouts, which are a keto-favorite for their super-low carb counts.

Pairing your favorite meals with any of these super satisfying keto side dishes can help you break out of a keto rut. Keep in mind that you’ll have to work these dishes down to maintain ketosis; they’re meant to be enjoyed as sides and not as mains! Follow along as we highlight our favorite ways to sneak lighter fare into the keto diet.

Source : Goodhousekeeping