27 Best Pumpkin Seed Recipes


Wondering what to do with pumpkin seeds? Believe it or not, they’re actually pretty versatile. They can be blended into sauces, or simply snacked on throughout the day. Dive into some simple and tasty pumpkin seed recipes to take full advantage of this fall staple.

Some recipes ask for pumpkin seeds, and some call for pepitas. What’s the difference between pumpkin seeds and pepitas? There is technically a difference between the pumpkin seeds you pull out of your pumpkins before carving Jack-o-lanterns every Halloween, and pepitas, which are smaller and greener in color. Although they are also pumpkin seeds, pepitas come from different pumpkins than the ones you may recognize. There are varieties of pumpkins that grow shell-less seeds, resulting in the pepitas you can buy in the store. But, if you were to remove the hard, white or cream-colored shells from the seeds you pull out from your jack-o-lantern, you’d find pepitas.

Both types of pumpkin seeds make for delicious dishes. Blitz them into pesto. Roast them with spices. Cover them in chocolate. Whether you’re using pumpkin seeds or pepitas, these little guys can make for the tastiest fall-flavored breakfasts, dinners, and desserts. Did we mention they have some pretty great health benefits too? Pumpkin seeds are loaded with magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium.

Source : Goodhousekeeping