32 Easy Spinach Recipes – How to Cook With Raw and Frozen Spinach


When you were a kid, chances are you hated spinach. Whether it was steamed (and soggy) or raw (and sandy), it was never tasty. But now, you’re armed with these easy spinach recipes, which are so full of flavor you’ll be able to convince even the pickiest eaters that spinach is the best veggie around.

Whether you’re serving spinach dip as a delicious appetizer, or making a side dish out of sautéed spinach covered with onions and garlic, this nutritious superfood is super versatile. Plus, Popeye had the right idea, loading up on healthy and nutritious spinach to grow strong: This leafy green is full of vitamins A and K, not to mention it can boost heart health, improve cholesterol, and build muscle.

It’s a great idea to eat spinach every day: You can use it in a quick and easy breakfast by adding it to a make-ahead egg sandwich, as a base for salad at lunch, or make a vegetarian dish for family dinner night. You can even throw a handful into your favorite smoothie for a big punch of nutrients. In short, these spinach recipes will teach even the spinach haters among us that this green can actually taste good.

Source : Goodhousekeeping