A Pregnant Woman Avoids Transit, Parents Battle in Court and Other Tales of Measles Anxiety


We are now on the court’s doorstep, awaiting the judge’s decision in several weeks. While the court remains my only hope for relief, I am dubious that the judge will take a formal stance on vaccines.

— Paulo Rodriguez Heyman, 42, Red Bank, N.J.

My girlfriend is an anti-vaxxer. She has three unvaccinated children ages 6 to 11 from a previous marriage. We have an 18-month-old daughter together, and I have made sure to get her vaccinated, over her mother’s objections. My girlfriend and her three kids socialize with a number of other anti-vax families and I’m always worried that they will bring into the house some preventable disease that my daughter hasn’t gotten the chance to become immune to.

— Steven Monroe, 33, Grandview, Mich.

My son just turned 1, and before he was able to get his MMR vaccine I avoided play groups and story time at the library. It’s a scary time to be the parent of a baby.
— Christina Hennig, 28, Bel Air, Md.

I have chosen not to put my 5-month-old daughter in day care, at great expense to my family, because of the number of unvaccinated children in my state. I have gone back to work but we are paying for a nanny.

— Amanda Jichlinski, 30, Golden, Colo.

I am pregnant, live in Greenpoint. Very, very concerned, as I can’t vaccinate a newborn. My husband and I both were vaccinated twice in our youth, but we are going this week to confirm our immunity.

I am also making my mom and brother go to test as they are in New York City and will be around a lot. It makes me seem really neurotic and I hate that. I had my other son in 2011 and never had any of these issues. It makes me resentful, anxious and angry.

— Carla Osborn, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Source : Nytimes