Arrow: Colton Haynes Returns as Series Regular for Season 7 – Today’s News: Our Take


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5 Things to Watch Today – July 11, 2017

Arrow may have just lost a major character with Thea’s (Willa Holland) big exit, but they’ll be getting one back soon enough. Colton Haynes will officially rejoin the show as a series regular in Season 7!

Roy’s return does present a bit of a problem story-wise though.

For one, Roy left the city after “outing” himself as the Arrow, taking the fall for Oliver (Stephen Amell) and going to jail. The team even ended up faking Roy’s death so that he could escape and leave the vigilante life behind forever.

He’s come back to help out every now and then, but if he plans to stay in Star City for good, they’re going to have to come up with an explanation for his unlikely resurrection — or maybe not, the people of Star City should be used to this stuff by now. Still, he’s going to draw a few glances unless they want to store him away in the bunker all day every day.

Arrow: Roy Returns and Thea Suits Up!

The second problem Roy’s return presents is that it kind of screws with Thea’s happy ending.

Last time we saw Roy, he was heading off with Thea and Nyssa Al Ghul (Katrina Law) to hunt down and destroy more Lazarus pits all over the world. Even if they manage to achieve that massive feat, Thea will presumably not be returning after Holland’s big exit from the show, meaning her and Roy’s happily ever after will be pretty short lived.

It’s hard to be too upset about an off-screen romance not working out though, especially when it gets us 100-percent more Roy Harper. Welcome back, buddy!

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.

(Full Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, one of The CW’s parent companies.)

Source : TVGuide