Arrow Reveals Oliver Queen Dies in Crisis on Infinite Earths in Season 7 Finale


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[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the most recent episode of Arrow.]

We’ve been wanting answers about Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and why he hasn’t been in Arrow‘s flash-forwards all year. If we’re being honest, though, we’ve been just a little scared to find out the truth too. The Season 7 finale confirmed our worst fears.

While Oliver and the team tried to take down Emiko (Sea Shimooka) and the Ninth Circle in the present timeline, Mia (Katherine McNamara) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempted to take down Archer in the future. Oliver managed to get through to Emiko in her last moments before she died at the Ninth Circle’s hands, and she told him he needed to hide Felicity and the baby because she’d ensured that his family would die. After once again saving the city, Oliver and Felicity announced to the team that they’d be leaving — not forever, just for a while. We got one last moment between Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle (David Ramsey) in the Arrow Cave before they left the city behind though. Farewell, #OTA, we loved you so much!

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In 2049, Mia was willing to sacrifice herself to take out one of the towers that kept Archer up and running and narrowly avoided surviving the task. With Archer blown to smithereens, Felicity, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), Rene (Rick Gonzalez), and Roy (Colton Haynes) decided to take the fall for its destruction, leaving the next generation of heroes behind to defend the city. It was a fitting passing of the torch and only fuels our campaign to get the Arrowverse kiddos a future spin-off.

Back in the past, Olicity, our darlings, got a farewell montage of their “happily ever after” in the cabin in the middle of nowhere to say goodbye. We got adorable shots of them on the porch together, Mia’s birth, and the happy parents snuggling a giggly baby girl. Unfortunately, that happy ending was interrupted by the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett), who appeared to collect on his deal with Oliver from last year’s crossover. He revealed that Oliver would die in the coming “crisis” but his sacrifice was necessary to save the multi-verse. Oliver reconciled himself to his fate and gave a tearful goodbye to Felicity, before leaving his family behind for good.

Though Felicity would have to spend the next 20 years without him, an Olicity reunion may be possible! Felicity wanted to make one last stop before fleeing the city in 2049 — something to honor Mia and William’s father. His death was confirmed as the three of them said goodbye to each other in front of Oliver’s headstone, which dated his death in 2019. The Monitor then showed up to take Felicity “to see him” in a place from which she could not return.

So… Arrow just killed off Oliver and Felicity in the same freaking episode. Talk about a brutal finale!

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

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<a href="">Stephen Amell</a> and <a href="">Emily Bett Rickards</a> on <a href=""><em>Arrow</em></a>Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards on Arrow

Source : TVGuide