Arrow Showrunner Shoots Down Olicity Baby for Season 7 – Today’s News: Our Take


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Oliver (Stephen Amell) may have gone to prison at the end of Arrow Season 6, but that didn’t stop Olicity shippers from dreaming up scenarios about how Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) might still fall pregnant in Season 7, bringing an Olicity baby into the world.

Given that Oliver and Felicity had to become full-time parents to William (Jack Moore) this past season after his mother’s untimely demise, it kind of made sense that fans would be interested to see if the parental vibes they’ve been rocking lately would lead them down a path to parenting their own child. Perhaps that’s why the question got popped to the new showrunner, Beth Schwartz, at Arrow‘s San Diego Comic-Con panel this week.

Sadly, Schwartz didn’t give fans a lot of hope, responding with a definitive, “Nope,” to the question of whether Oliver and Felicity would have a baby in Season 7.

With everything going on with Oliver when Season 7 picks back up — hello, prison! — it’s not surprising that thoughts of babies aren’t spinning around in Schwartz’s head. They’re not even spinning around Emily Bett Rickards head, in fact.

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“I don’t know if I would be interested in exploring that storyline right now with Felicity,” Bett Rickards said, addressing the topic of an Olicity baby with TV Guide at the end of Season 6. “I feel like she deserves a little something more than that, and I don’t want that to be taken the wrong way. I’d just be interested in seeing her, I don’t know, like, deal with a villain face-to-face for a consistent number of episodes?”

Arrow returns Oct. 15 on The CW.

(Full Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, one of The CW’s parent companies.)

Source : TVGuide