Batwoman Crew Member Paralyzed in On-Set Accident


A 30 year-old production assistant named Amanda Smith was seriously injured on March 11 during an on-set accident on the set of Batwoman. Smith, who is also well known in Vancouver comedy circles, was reportedly standing underneath the Georgia Viaduct when the bucket of a boom lift was lowered on her head. Smith suffered a burst vertebrae and other serious spinal injuries.

As the Vancouver Sun first reported, she was immediately rushed to Vancouver General for spinal surgery, where she is now recovering and in good spirits. Though Smith can longer feel anything from the waist down, friends and family are hopeful she’ll regain sensation and use of her legs with time, recovery, and rehabilitation.

Smith’s friend and colleague Tyler Mazzucco told the Vancouver Sun that Smith couldn’t see or hear the boom lift — a common piece of industrial-sized machinery used on set for a variety of purposes like lighting or high camera angles — because she had her back to the machine and thus did not hear the sound of the bucket being lowered over the sound of viaduct traffic. Mazzucco started a rehabilitation fund in Smith’s name that’s already halfway to its $50,000 goal, though Mazzucco notes that with a lot or production work in Vancouver shut down for the foreseeable future due to coronavirus, many have asked how to help if they can’t donate.

Batwoman, CW’s latest addition to its infamous Arrowverse starring Ruby Rose, was suspended on March 13 after the accident. The series, which was initially set for 13 episodes, received a back half pick up in October 2019 which extended the number of episodes in Season 1 to 22. There’s no word yet on when, or if, production will resume shooting.

TV Guide has reached out to The CW for comment.

Batwoman airs Sundays at 8/7c on The CW.

Source : TVGuide