Best New Shows and Movies on Netflix This Week: Castlevania, Queen Sono


Looking for something new to watch on Netflix? Here is a list of all the best new shows and movies released on Netflix the week of Feb. 28-March 5.

Despite not having any major releases this week, Netflix has at least one thing for everyone, more if you fancy yourself a multi-faceted person. Are you a teen (or a creepy old person) longing for a story about young, complicated love? Do you walk into restaurants and think to yourself, “IKEA light fixtures? PUKE!”? Are you such a fan of Africa that your life has been incomplete without a Netflix original from the continent? Netflix has you covered. I think that covers every possible type of person one can be.

All titles are out Friday, Feb. 28 unless otherwise noted.

If you’re looking for even more hand-picked recommendations, click over to our Watch This Now! page. If you’d like to look ahead toward what’s coming out on Netflix in March, here are our Editors’ Picks for Netflix’s March releases and everything that’s coming to the service in the month.

The Biggest Releases

All the Bright Places
Remember all the feelings of your teenage years — insatiable horniness, utter cluelessness, and incessant itchiness — with this Netflix original teen romance film All the Bright Places, an adaptation of Jennifer Niven’s novel. Elle Fanning stars as Violet, a distraught young woman who is wooed by Finch (Justice Smith), a kind young man who helps her emotionally heal from her past. But as they get closer, she realizes he needs her just as much as she needs him. If you’re a fan of the book, you may notice that some of the nuance was left out, especially with Smith’s character, perhaps irresponsibly in its portrayal of mental illness. If you’re looking for an uplifting movie about being in love, you’ll want to skip this. However, if you’re looking for a movie that will rip your heart out because LIFE JUST ISN’T FAIR, then bingo.

Babylon Berlin, Season 3
Netflix’s commitment to bringing exceptional international programming to American audiences continues with the highly anticipated third season of Babylon Berlin, a stunning and cinematic crime drama from Germany that took Netflix by storm when the first two seasons debuted on the service in 2018. Set during the last years of the Weimar Republic and said to be the most expensive series produced in Germany, Babylon Berlin follows a young police detective and veteran suffering from PTSD and an intuitive flapper who longs to be the first female detective as they dig into the seedy underbelly of Berlin. (Trailer / Sunday, March 1) -Kaitlin Thomas

The Best Shows and Movies Coming to Netflix in March

Everything Else

Queen Sono, Season 1
Africa’s first Netflix original series, Queen Sono, lands with tons of style, following a female spy for South Africa as she works missions in Zanzibar while also dealing with issues in her personal life. It’s got some great music, some fun presentation, and mediocre everything else.

The Endless Trench
I haven’t left my house in three weeks, but that’s potatoes compared to the main character in this film festival movie, who hides out in his house for decades with his newlywed wife after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War. That’s a good excuse; I’ll use that one next time. (Trailer)

Formula 1: Drive to Survive, Season 2
Netflix’s best sports docuseries just might be this one, which gets unfettered access to guys speeding around dangerous curves in rockets with wheels. The racing footage is insane. (Trailer)

Restaurants on the Edge, Season 1
A crack team of restaurant experts (restaurexperts) travel around the globe telling other people how to run their restaurants. Big deal, I do this all the time in my neighborhood but I don’t have a show. (Trailer)

Unstoppable, Season 1
Three female friends at turning points in their lives GTFO on a road trip of Instagrammable adventures, but they get disrupted when a fugitive joins the fun in this Mexican series. Along the way, they find friendship and sisterhood, of course. (Trailer)

Go! Go! Cory Carson, Season 2
A car that talks like a baby gets a flat tire and must go to the doctor in this animated series that will prepare your little one for self-driving, talking automobiles of the future. (Trailer / Sunday, March 1)

Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter Life Crisis
A few weeks after Netflix gave Leslie Jones a stand-up special in which she said 20-year olds don’t know sh–, Netflix is giving 25-year-old Taylor Tomlinson a whole hour to talk about sh– she knows. Which is sex, apparently. She’s like a little Amy Schumer. Tomlinson is strangely confident for a self-proclaimed introvert, but all 20-somethings call themselves introverts because one time they didn’t go out on a Wednesday night. You put your entire life on the internet, kids! You’re a neo-extrovert! (Trailer / Tuesday, March 3)

Castlevania, Season 3
According to the internet, this anime based on the supernatural-horror lore of Konami’s whip-cracking video game classic is pretty good! (Trailer / Thursday, March 5)

Mighty Little Bheem: Festival of Colors
Oh Bheem, what are you up to now? Making trouble for everyone during India’s Festival of Colors, I see. You adorable little scamp! (Trailer / Thursday, March 5)

Stop searching, start watching! TV Guide’s Watch This Now! page has even more TV recommendations. And check out our picks for the best Netflix shows and movies to watch in March.

The 52 Netflix Originals You Should Be Watching

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS)

Will Yun Lee, Altered Carbon

Source : TVGuide