Brooke Burke Shares Nude Portrait on Instagram: Photo


Baring more than her soul! Brooke Burke showed off a lot of skin on Instagram on Monday, April 15, posting a nude portrait of herself snapped by photographer Sarah Orbanić.

“Going for it!” Burke, 47, wrote in the caption of the empowering upload. “It took me a bit to get the courage to post [this] female curated shoot which represents many things for me. Vulnerability, sensuality, confidence.”

The former Playboy model praised Orbanić in the post, writing, “Thank you for celebrating women and encouraging me to be brave.” She also commended stylist Isabelle Sabel, quipping, “U forgot my pants!”

Plus, Burke plugged her fitness app, Brooke Burke Body. “Yaaasss we can be sexy strong and YES you can tone, sculpt & reshape your beautiful body at every age,” she wrote, crediting her workout regimen for her muscular legs.

For her part, Orbanić reciprocated the praise. “I spent hours watching her shows in my 20’s and girl crushing on this woman!” the photographer said of Burke in her own Instagram post. “Now I’m woman crushing!!! In a world full of girls there are only a handful of women! They have this perfect balance of caring for [others] and themselves. If you’ve come across one chances are you became more inspired, motivated, with a desire to be your best and make an impact in this world! Cheers.”

Burke, who recently split from second husband David Charvet, recently shared her exercise routine with Us Weekly. “I’ve found a way to take the time excuse, that element, out of it,” she told Us in December 2018. “I can get [my session] done at home, I can get it done in a hotel room, I’m on location… but it’s really specific body sculpting, toning, tightening and lifting moves, and it’s not that challenging.”

She added: “Doing a little something for yourself, you’re going to have less stress, you’re going to have more energy, you’re going to be in a better mood, you’re going to look better, you’re going to feel better.”

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Source : USmagazine