Cardi B Shares Opinions on Strip Club Music in Nardwuar Interview – Variety


Rapper Cardi B, who played a headline grabbing set at Coachella on Sunday, sat down backstage with YouTube personality Nardwuar for an interview that may grab a few headlines of its own. In it, they discussed “Junie B. Jones,” strip music, and United States history in a video titled “Nardwuar vs. Cardi B,” which the YouTuber posted on Monday.

During the interview, Narwuar presented the artist with a variety of gifts, launching subsequent conversations on a variety of topics, including the “Junie B. Jones” children’s books, albums and records from various musicians, and history books.

Nardwuar’s first gift to Cardi B was “Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth,” an installment in the popular children’s series by Barbara Park. Cardi B accepted the gift, which reminded her of her childhood and of the various fan parodies of the books based on the rapper.

“Junie B. Jones! I used to read her books when I was in third grade,” Cardi B said. “Yeah a lot of people, they modify it for me, maybe because she’s so obnoxious. I used to be the Junie B. from school that nobody used to like, or she was always interruptive, always used to get in trouble, and I didn’t understand why.”

The YouTube star also presented Cardi B with a multiple strip club music albums and asked the former strip club worker for her thoughts on them.

“It really depends on the club that you work in,” Cardi B said. “I actually used to enjoy dancing to house music. But you know, I went to the hood clubs, and then it’s just hip hop. It really depends.”

The rapper commented on and sang songs from various hip hop artists, too, as Narwuar gifted her with albums from Freak Nasty, Trina, and Hoes with Attitude. Cardi B didn’t recognize all of the artists, explaining that her exposure to hip hop music actually came later in her life, as the albums were from earlier decades.

“I’m a ‘90s baby, so when I started understanding hip hop — what they were saying — I was around eight, seven, six,” Cardi B said. “I was saying these types of things, but I didn’t know what I was saying. My mom, she grew up listening to Aerosmith, Madonna, Pet Shop Boys. That’s the type of thing we used to listen to in our house. She came to this country, and she lived in upstate New York with the Caucasians.”

Throughout the interview, the rapper also discussed yogurt, clothing stores, and past U.S. presidents. Watch the full video below.

Source : Variety