Coronavirus news and live updates: Global cases surge past 80,000


A woman buys face masks at a pharmacy in Beijing.
A woman buys face masks at a pharmacy in Beijing.  STR/AFP/Getty Images

Clusters of novel coronavirus outbreaks are spreading as cases surge in South Korea, Iran and Italy, though the World Health Organization (WHO) said it is still too early to declare a pandemic.

The numbers: The novel coronavirus has infected more than 80,000 people worldwide and killed more than 2,700. There are at least 2,400 confirmed cases of coronavirus in more than 35 countries and territories outside mainland China, including 37 deaths.

South Korea in crisis: In South Korea, at least 977 cases have been confirmed, up from 31 a week ago. The country reported three more deaths on Tuesday, bringing the number of people who have died to 10. The virus has spread throughout the country, with the worst outbreak linked to a religious group in the southern city of Daegu.

Iran onset: Iran is on the front line of the outbreak — the health ministry has confirmed 61 cases and 12 deaths — -though one lawmaker in the city of Qom claims the death toll could be as high as 50. Iran’s health ministry denies the claims. Economic sanctions imposed against Iran by the United States and other bodies have made tackling the disease harder, a board member of Iran’s Association of Medical Equipment Importers has said.

Italian outbreak: At least 229 people have been infected with the virus, and seven people have died in the southern European nation. Around 100,000 people in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto are facing travel and other restrictions. Italy has not identified “patient zero,” the source of the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte told reporters Monday that a “not entirely proper” management of a hospital in northern Italy contributed to the spread of the virus in the country.

More countries report first cases: Oman has announced its first two cases of the virus, after two Omani women returning from Iran tested positive. Meanwhile, an Iranian student who entered Iraq prior to the country’s travel ban on Iran has been confirmed to have the virus.

Thailand, Singapore and Kuwait all reported additional cases on Tuesday.

Investors are nervous: A mixed showing for markets in Asia Pacific on Tuesday followed a terrible day for US stocks, which plunged on mounting worries about the spread of the coronavirus outside China to major economies. The Dow Jones index finished down more than 1,000 points at the closing bell on Monday, its worst day since February 2018.

Outbreak is not a pandemic: Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program, said it’s too early to declare the novel coronavirus a pandemic — but now is the time to prepare. WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the virus has pandemic potential — but it’s not there yet. 

Military drills on hold: The US and South Korea are considering scaling back joint military exercises due to the coronavirus on the Korean Peninsula. 

The situation in the US: There are now 53 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in the US, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36 of whom were aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Meanwhile, Alabama’s mayor said the state was not prepared to handle coronavirus patients. President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”

Closing access to Iran: Due to Iran’s outbreak, Oman has suspended flights to and from the country. Turkey, Pakistan and Iraq have closed their borders with Iran, while Kuwait Airways, Iraq Airways and Turkey have suspended flights to the country.

Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates is banning its citizens from traveling to Iran and Thailand, and all flights from Dubai airport to Iran have been suspended, except to Tehran.

Source : Nbcnewyork