Costco’s 100-Calorie Vodka Popsicles Are BACK


Between acaí bowls, bulk boxes of spaghetti squash, and giant tubs of hazelnut spread, Costco is making it really hard to skip out on a membership these days. The newest product to add to your shopping list is everything you could want in a summer buy. Slim Chillers’ boozy popsicles — or adult otter pops, as one wise woman called them — turn martinis into an icy dessert, and they’re back in stores for the summer.

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The boozy pops (hide ’em from your kids, moms!) come in four flavors: Cosmopolitan, Watermelon Lemonade, Appletini, and Lemon Drop. As the name suggests, their main draw is that they’re both alcoholic (8% ABV) and low-cal, with 100 calories in each pop. We’re not saying you’ll able to limit yourself to just one, but hey, for a dessert and drink, the calorie count is pretty solid. As for what’s inside, the pops are made with vodka, flavoring, and a splash of vermouth.

BUY NOW $28,

Pro tip: If you live in California, you can buy Slim Chillers in any BevMo store, as well as some local liquor stores (find an exact location here). They’re also available online through Hi-Time Wine, where you can buy them individually or in 12-packs. But, if you pick ’em up at Costco, you can get one of these fun tube containers.

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According to Slim Chillers, they are available for the summer in select Costco locations across California, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado.

Source : Goodhousekeeping