Criminal Minds Season 14 Episode 6 Luke Sneak Peek: Alvez Goes Full-On Action Hero to Catch a Hitman


<p></p><p>Adam Rodriguez,<em style=""> Criminal Minds</em></p>

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Criminal Minds Sneak Peek: Alvez Goes Full Force to Catch a Hitman

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Criminal Minds is taking a break from turning your stomaches with their terrifying unsubs and giving you a full-on adrenaline rush with this week’s episode, “Luke.”

As you can probably guess, Luke Alvez (Adam Rodriguez) is at the center of this week’s caper and it’s an action-packed adventure. The team gets called to Bethesda, Md. after a string of people are killed in a rapid fashion. It turns out that a hitman Alvez previously investigated five years ago is back in action, which makes Alvez the top person to take him down.

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TV Guide has an exclusive sneak peek of the episode which shows Alvez in a flashback chasing down his target Tom Cruise style, confident he can catch this guy before a sniper on the roof takes him out. It’s a heart-pounding clip as Alvez races through the streets and finally tackles his mark and the sniper loses his shot. But is this the same guy that the BAU team is chasing down in the present? And if it is, does Alvez regret not letting the sniper take the shot, considering so many more people are now dead?

The answers will be revealed in the Alvez-centric episode that airs Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 10/9c on CBS.

(Full Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS.)

Source : TVGuide