Dennis Rodman on Kim-Trump Meeting: ‘Today Is a Great Day’


In an emotional interview with CNN on Tuesday, the retired basketball star Dennis Rodman expressed his hopes for peace as President Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met in Singapore, declaring, “Today is a great day.”

Mr. Rodman is one of a handful of Americans to have met Mr. Kim, having traveled several times to North Korea.

Speaking to CNN from Singapore, Mr. Rodman wore a red “Make America Great Again” hat and a T-shirt bearing the name of PotCoin, a cryptocurrency. The former N.B.A. player teared up at times during the interview as he recounted the criticism he received for visiting North Korea soon after Mr. Kim became leader of the isolated authoritarian state.

“Today is a great day for everybody, Singapore, Tokyo, China, everything,” Mr. Rodman said. “It’s a great day and I’m here to see it. I’m so happy!”

He expressed hope that the two leaders could reach some sort of deal that might lead to peace on the Korean Peninsula.

“Let’s make this happen,” he said. “If Trump can pull this off, more power to him.”

Source : Nytimes