‘Dragalia Lost’ Getting New Events, Characters, and Songs – Variety


New events, characters, and songs are coming to mobile game “Dragalia Lost,” along with some quality updates, Nintendo recently announced.

The Winds of Hope Summon Showcase and the in-game event, A Wish to the Winds, started Wednesday. The event brings a set of new characters, siblings Louise and Lowen, to the mobile game. Players who build a Wind Shrine will deal more damage to enemies during event quests.

A winter log-in bonus is coming Saturday, so there’s even more reason for players to revisit “Dragalia Lost.”

The end of this month will bring yet another event, Resplendent Refrain. Not much has been revealed, but songs will be a key part of the event and Nintendo noted that three new songs are coming to the event as well as a new character: Lucretia, a songstress.

In the post, written by game director Hiroki Matsuura, it was also noted that Resplendent Refrain will mark some other changes coming.

“From this event, we plan on removing the event-reward wyrmprints,” Matsuura wrote. “These are the special wyrmprints that grant a damage boost against raid bosses; ultimately, they decreased the opportunities players had to make good use of their regular wyrmprints. Essentially, these limited customization options for raid events.”

The removal is intended for the benefit of the player.

“Our intention is for players to enjoy growing stronger during these events, and this is the end result of us considering what would simply be the most fun,” Matsuura added.

Other updates improve the quality of “Dragalia Lost,” including AI of team members. The update, released Friday, will result in team members more actively attacking enemies and using skills more often.

Nintendo will also offer up in-game resources more generously via log-in bonuses and Daily Endeavors, in an effort to facilitate new players who, in the past, may have felt limited by the lack of resources. So, expect more eldwater, mana, and crystals as a result. There have also been adjustments to how players can receive more rare, high-tier resources. With the update, players can convert low-tier resources into high-tier, and vice versa. Adjustments to weapons were also added in this update, as the bow and the lance both needed improvements.

Finally, some new quests will be coming to the game, including chapter seven of the main story, arriving at the end of the year. Other quests are planned to help bridge the gap for players who are having difficulty clearing certain quests, like some of the Dragon Trials, although the post is a bit vague about details for these new quests.

Source : Variety