Eliza Dushku Addresses Michael Weatherly Sexual Harassment Claims and CBS Settlement


Eliza Dushku has broken her silence regarding last week’s New York Times article that revealed she was fired from Bull and received a settlement from CBS after she reported being sexually harassed by the show’s star, Michael Weatherly.

On Wednesday, The Boston Globe published a guest column from Dushku that addressed the allegations of harassment on the set of the CBS drama and detailed her version of the events that went on behind the scenes and how CBS handled her claims and subsequent settlement.

First, Dushku clarified that she declined to be interviewed for the New York Times story in order to keep to the terms of her nondisclosure agreement, and that she was under the impression the other parties involved would do the same. Since Weatherly and Bull showrunner Glenn Gordon Caron did comment on the story, playing down the situation, she decided to speak out with her version of events.

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“The narrative propagated by CBS, actor Michael Weatherly, and writer-producer Glenn Gordon Caron is deceptive and in no way fits with how they treated me on the set of the television show Bull and retaliated against me for simply asking to do my job without relentless sexual harassment,” Dushku wrote. “This is not a ‘he-said/she-said’ case. Weatherly’s behavior was captured on CBS’s own videotape recordings.”

Dushku said that Weatherly’s harassment started early on during her time on Bull. One such incident on the tapes showed him inviting her to his “rape van, filled with all sorts of lubricants and long phallic things.” She gave other examples of his harassment, which included suggestions for threesomes, making sex noises at her, and making comments about spanking her.

She also claimed that Weatherly openly mocked previous sexual harassment training by regularly shouting out “yellow card” after making distasteful remarks. “I learned from crew members that, because there had been previous harassment training on Bull, Weatherly’s delight in yelling ‘yellow card’ was his way of mocking the very harassment training that was meant to keep him in line,” she wrote.

Dushku went on to rail against Weatherly’s own claim that she had misunderstood his humor or couldn’t take a joke. “I do not want to hear that I have a ‘humor deficit’ or can’t take a joke,” she wrote. “I did not over-react. I took a job and, because I did not want to be harassed, I was fired.”

Eliza Dushku Was Written Off Bull After Accusing Michael Weatherly of Sexual Harassment

The column also chronicled her struggles with CBS after being fired by Caron within 48 hours of her attempt to speak with Weatherly, as well as the threats Caron made of ending her career if she sued CBS over it. She claimed the company even pulled up a photo of her in a bikini from her own Instagram during the settlement process as if to point out she deserved or should not be offended by the harassment.

TV Guide has reached out to CBS and Michael Weatherly’s attorney for comment.

(Full disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS.)

Source : TVGuide