EU official says eurozone needs to make a commitment to blockchain technology


Bloomberg News

Andrus Ansip, European Commission v.p., called on the region’s leaders to commit more resources to the technology sector.

To that end, Ansip said if Europe wants to maintain its status as a leader in artificial intelligence in health care and other fields it has to do more, both politically and financially, in adopting and advancing blockchain technology, speaking at the EC’s 2018 Digital Day in Brussels. Blockchain refers to the distributed-ledger technology that underpin most digital currencies.

‘I would like to see EU countries make a similar commitment to blockchain technologies—now moving out of the lab and going mainstream. As with AI: we should make the most of this new opportunity to innovate’

—Andrus Ansip

Ansip’s comments comes two months after the Commission set up the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, which aims to promote growth and generate ideas within the decentralized technology community.

Government investment in blockchain is becoming more common. On April 9, China announced the launch of the Xiong’An Global Blockchain Innovation Fund, a 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) commitment aimed at investing in startups in the nascent field.

Ansip emphasized that it was crucial for the EU not to be left behind in this area.

“There is quite some ground to catch up. Other continents are moving ahead quickly.”

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