Free Hotel Rooms in NYC Offered to Furloughed Federal Workers


What to Know

  • Mayor de Blasio warns that the government shutdown is an unprecedented crisis that’s about to directly affect at least 2 million New Yorkers

  • De Blasio said the city will lose a half-billion dollars in direct federal funding for New Yorkers beginning on March 1

  • The mayor said the city is willing to exhaust its reserves to help those in need

Furloughed federal workers who need to travel to New York City for personal emergencies during the government shutdown are being offered free hotel rooms.

The Hotel Association of New York City says it’s providing free rooms for federal workers affected by the shutdown as a show of goodwill.

“As a leading hospitality voice for New York City, we don’t want to see anyone who needs to be here turned away because of financial hardships created by the government shutdown,” said Vijay Dandapani, president and CEO, Hotel Association of New York City. “Whether it’s a family situation or a health issue that requires people to travel to the city, we will do what we can to provide accommodations on a limited basis to those in dire need.” 

Affected federal workers in personal emergency situations interested in applying for a free hotel stay should send an email explaining their circumstances with subject “GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN ROOM APPLICATION” to

The Hotel Association of New York includes 280 member hotels in the city, representing more than 50,000 employees. 

The longest shutdown is U.S. history entered its 28th day Friday. President Trump said he’ll make a “major announcement” on the government shutdown and the southern border Saturday afternoon at the White House. 

Source : Nbcnewyork