Game of Thrones Star Lena Headey Says She’s Gutted Over Cersei’s Death


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The Game of Thrones finale set records for viewership — and for being the rare finale to suck so much that fans started a petition to do it over, and to have a cast be totally unable to hide their disdain for it in interviews. None of this is news now, but at this point, reading shady quotes from cast members who felt wronged by Game of Thrones’s shocking, disappointing turns for their characters has almost become a sort of hobby, like collecting cards or stamps. Well, if you need another Lena Headey quote for your finale burn book, you’re’ in luck!

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In a new interview with The Guardian, Headey had the courage to let everyone know she too believes water is wet and fire is hot by revealing she wanted a better death for Cersei. Her character, one of the most enchanting villains ever to appear on TV, met a pretty lousy demise when she was squished by rubble instead of being gutted by Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) or burned to a crisp by Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) as fans might’ve hoped.

Loyalists rightfully deflated by Cersei’s death can take some small comfort in knowing that the actress who poured herself into the role for eight seasons feels way, way worse. “Obviously you dream of your death,” she said. “You could go in any way on that show. So I was kind of gutted.” Measuring her comments with some respect for showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, she said, “I just think they couldn’t have pleased everyone. No matter what they did, I think there was going to be some big comedown from the climb.” Aw, diplomacy. Nice.

Still, from the sounds of it, Headey’s not going to let Cersei’s wack death go unavenged. Much like her alter ego, she’s apparently waiting for the right time to give David and Dan a piece of her mind. “I invested as a viewer and I have my favourite characters. And I’ve got a few of my own gripes. But I haven’t sat down drunkly with David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] yet.”

Yeah, that’s going to be fun drinks date for sure.

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Cersei Lannister (<a href="">Lena Headey</a>) on <a href=""><em>Game of Thrones </em>Season 8, Episode 5: "The Bells"</a>Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) on Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 5: “The Bells”

Source : TVGuide